You're going dungeon crawling and you only have 50g left to spend

You're going dungeon crawling and you only have 50g left to spend.

Which scrolls do you buy for emergencies?

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i only support kobold merchants


That depends. Is the "summon" permanent, or temporary? If it's permanent then I'd take the summon to do my fighting for me, then use regen on it when it gets low.


the correct answer OP is looking for is to use sleep on the shop keeper to lower their mental resistances, use charm to make them love you then go to town with the sex scrolls
afterwards you sit contented in your prison cell, knowing you commited every carnal sin known to man and furry

Sorry, can I have your strongest healing potion please?

in that order, cast on the shopkeeper, my cock and my balls respectively

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Summon and Regen plz.

Enlarge on my dick 3 times.
Keep the change.

I'll take the adult only scrolls.

use on furry

Bratty little shop keep needs rape correction.


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>Not casting enlarge on the shopkeep three times

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I don't waste my money on one-use scrolls and save up for the books that'll let me permanently learn the spells.
Then I come back and Charm the shopkeeper.

I'm not a macrofag, or a bottom.

>buy sleep
>cast it on the shopkeeper
>take all the other scrolls (including the adult ones)
>wait for her to wake up
>use charm on her
>use the adult only scrolls
>have hot steamy sex

I came here to post this.


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Enlarge. Cast on the shopkeeper. Have her vore me. Simple as.

>Buy sleep
>Cast sleep on shopkeeper
>Steal rest
>Summon Artoria
>Enlarge dick

Charm lets me escape bad situations, regen as a backup if I run out of heals. Entangle to run away from anything.

Charm and enlarge or sleep and enlarge

Does the shopkeeper have a penis?

a lot of these plans rely on the shopkeeper not having counterspell/silence memorized
seems like a no-brainer for a spell merchant
not having countermeasures would be like running a gun shop without being armed, asking to get robbed