
It's just too poorly designed

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bad ring its just too bad to play

>replay BB after Elden Ring
>can't play Elden Ring anymore

what went wrong.

Great game. Truly the goat. The fact that people whine and love it all these years later is a sign of total cultural saturation.

It's a sign that you niggers have no other games lmao

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Exclusives are generally overrated, or are you saying The Last of Us 2 is a good game?

1 more game than you

TLoU2 had a terrible metacritic performance with users. Nothing like BB which is universally praised.
PC is my main platform.


It's great but I honestly think if it wasn't so many zoomers' first foray in FromSoft and wasn't exclusive it wouldn't have the hype it does. I played it and liked it but the entire non-DLC game and all of its bosses are actually quite easy. People just thought it was this amazing step up in difficulty because, again, they never played previous games. Regardless of your view on the game it is despicable the state it runs in.
Also, threadly reminder the PS4 has sold well over 100 million units and not even 10% of its userbase has played BB despite it being literally the only game worth playing for like the first six years of its console's life. Truly shit taste from the snoys.

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>It's great but I honestly think if it wasn't so many zoomers' first foray in FromSoft and wasn't exclusive it wouldn't have the hype it does
Elaborate on this with anything resembling evidence

>blood vials
>have to sit through two long ass loading screens to level up or reset the area
It's the most poorly designed game in the series, not to mention this shit performance

Only game worth playing besides Sekiro. The Namco games are fucking unfinished messes or bloated to the max

>only games worth playing are the ones where you mash like a retard
Let me guess you're a DMCuck

I have no evidence, just a hunch from the threads and discussions I've seen online about the game since it launched. Many anons here admit it. If that doesn't work, fine, strike it, but you know the exclusivity cranked its hype up about tenfold and you're delusional or a snoy if you think otherwise.

Demon's and Dark 1 have the most mashing since R1 stunlocks, especially Dark Souls 1, which further reinforces this with poise. Literally run in and mash, it's the best strat, and you can't be punished

>It's great but I honestly think if it wasn't so many zoomers' first foray in FromSoft and wasn't exclusive it wouldn't have the hype it does
The FF7 effect

Surprising nobody, you've no clue what you're talking about. I started with Demon's Souls but played KF1 when it was current. I've been playing them longer than you I would guess, and BB is my favorite. Dark Souls 1/2 are when the zoomers came in. Dark Souls elicited 360-bro whining when party chat was disabled by the game, and when it came to PC the difficulty spurred a surge of searches for the phrase "artificial difficulty."

That's Bloodfart since stamina actually matters in the other games

But that's not 2.

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Oh my bad, you dumb newnigger, I forgot I was talking about a playerbase in the millions, but it looks like one user being a faggot on a Norwegian canoe making forum has stunned that all to ground zero. It's really not that hard to fathom that BB was the first for MANY, if you were here around the goldface period you'd know that.
Also nice job dodging the exclusivity angle once again. I look forward to your next post.

There's no stunlocks in BB and any enemy bigger than a villager can randomly hyper armor punish mash. Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1 are the games where mashing is the best strat. Stamina is irrelevant when you can empty your bar into every enemy in the first two games and get killed for trying it in BB

Yes, and you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. I already explained that Dark 1 attracted the most zoomers, but you probably weren't even in the know back then because it's when you started. By all means, make up shit in your head while accurately remember the history.

You can kill any enemy in Bloodborne by mashing R1 with saw cleaver. If you take damage you just keep mashing because you get your health back for it

It's 100% chance when it happens in BB, and 100% guaranteed when it happens Demon's/Dark 1. Go ahead and try it do something like Labyrinth Madman or a shark, or zombie knight. See how well it goes. They'll just smash you right though it.

You can't speak for anybody else.

ER gameplay is shit. Not only controlling your character feels shit but they insult you by putting enemies which belong to ER/Sekiro.

Bloodborne is everything wrong with modern action games.
>stubborn neo-symbolism
>post modern combat
>individualist pandering
>Schleiermacheresque antisociality
>triangle loops in tandem with bulletproof coffee equivalent feedback cycles
>Hegelian plagiarism
>Leviathan pseudo imagery
It's no wonder Any Forums loves it

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