D2: Resurrected

Is it good and worth playing?

Attached: diablo2.png (1350x945, 1.26M)

Attached: resurrected.webm (640x360, 1.81M)

>old good
>new bad


it's literally just diablo 2 with a new coat of paint
get it if you care about online or graphics, don't bother if you don't

It is good and worth playing for sure. Like the other guy said don’t bother for single player.

Agreed, Diablo>Diablo 2

Did you like Diablo 2?

>it's literally just diablo 2 with a new coat of paint

Definitive way to play Diablo 2, but don't expect it to be anything more than that. It's exactly the same with new paint, and I would assume a more active player base.

No, Diablo 2 has never been good in any form

What games do you play?

It's just Diablo 2 with pozzed 3D models instead of soulful 2D sprites
Play the original or don't bother

Nah since you can't use a speedhack
Just play Diablo 2 with it and use cheat engine to play at 3x speed

If you never played Diablo 2 and still want to get into it, look up meta leveling builds. Do not go summner druid or necro, you will hit a hard wall and have to grind for a few weeks or else be online and hope players will kill some of the bosses

It's the same game with 0 improvements you played 20 years ago.
Download the mod Project Diablo 2 instead, which features new skills for all classes, new items, new end game and a shit ton of other stuff. New ladder on Friday.

Chess, poker. As for video games I'm more into unique experiences such as RDR2, MGS saga.

It's the same exact game from 20 years ago, but with updated graphics. There are some very minor quality of life upgrades like 4 stash tabs and automatic gold pickup. And proper 16:9 and 60 fps support. Definitely not worth $40 though.

Holy turbo adhd user. D2 is already fast as fuck why the hell would you need it to be any faster let alone 3x? Are you coked out 24/7? Can you see the future?

It's diablo 2 but with less soul.
Imo original game still looks good.


I play on /players 8 since the grind for XP is shit

it is on single player ssf

It's actually great, even the art direction (apart from female manfaces).
The only shit part is game filter but devs are working on some improvements.