Why the downgrade?

Why the downgrade?

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No more soul

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resetera would freak out cant let that happen again

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I wanna look like her

>pantyhose that lets you see the skintone and a short skirt
i am begging you fags to acquire a MODICUM of taste

Design on the right would probably be perfectly fine it just removed the bright blue out of her hair. I don't know why Japan is so obsessed with colored highlights, It looks fucking abysmal.


Its because she's a blade, blades have glow'y bits.

The left is the original, the right is a fanmade edit.
There is no downgrade.

Make more markings on the body and spare us stupid hair.

I look just like her

The right was obviously the intended design. They just gave her a pantyhose just to avoid doing it later for the smash reveal

>see an anime girl who happens to have slender body and flat chest but has a perfect cute anime face
>trannies be like "god she's literally me"

Who started this trend?

Just to be clear to everyone, the one on the right never existed. This is more of the controversy forcing

She's potentially related to another Blade with that same kind of hair

Attached: Brighid_Portrait.png (902x902, 699.45K)

How does Brighid keep the flaming features without burning out or going bald eventually?

Ahhh okay that makes a lot more sense. I think Brighid's hair definitely works better and not just because it has a flame effect.

why the fasleflag, faggot?
dont' forget to report his lying cunt OP

Pantyhose are no downgrade.

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The XC2/3 artist has problems making a design "flow", don't they?

That literally doesn't mean anything.

I wish i could look like both of them...

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