£1 for 3 months

>£1 for 3 months
>very decent selection of games
>literally worth it if you can find and play 1 game
why does nobody talk about this?

Attached: basedandredpilled.png (225x225, 3.76K)

It's Xbox so it's evil according to Sony Ponies and PC fats only care about Steam and Nindies don't care because it doesn't have Mario 200 or Zelda 56.

because we arent going to sit here and contribute to the downfall of gaming
enjoy watching the price rise every year until you're shilling out hundreds for the priviledge of playing pozzed games with a diverse community
fuck microshit
fuck xbox
fuck your subscriptions
eat shit and fuck off

Bevause the $1 is an opening offer, and is actually $15 a month.

I can pay 0 and get everything and more, and without selling my soul to microcuck

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>>very decent selection of games

I recently checked how much I spent on steam, turns out I've spent $80 over 12 years
I did give game pass a try but I turned out recurring billing so when the initial sub runs out it's done, I'm not gaming that often to make it worth the money

I’ll just stop my subscription

Sonyshits are completely traumatised by GamePass. Its their doom.

The trick is you can get a month for $1 again if you don't renew and let it expire. I always turn off autorenew right away play whatever I want then get another $1 deal when something I care about gets released on there

>enjoy watching the price rise every year
Funny because snoys are fearmongering with this since GP is a thing and all that changed is games are $10 more expensive and Sony launched a more expensive version of the service.

>”sell my soul blah blah”
>eats McDonald’s

>pls someone crack game X, I'll pay for it!

People do talk about this, wtf are you talking about.

And yes, the service is so great, that's been like 6 months I dont play anything there and still pay for it, so cheap.

>£1 for 3 months
hurry because the offer for the 3 months will end for good, globally, on July 1 and is already over for almost all european countries (only one month), also always from July 1 the same debit card can no longer be used to make multiple offers with different accounts

Attached: 16535739146.png (600x600, 306.58K)

0.0000000000000000000001 cent has been added to your micropenis account

Attached: 1647338227026.png (362x512, 54.71K)

>buy 3 years worth of live for cheap from keysellers
>pay one dollar
>get three years of ultimate
This is definitely not a sustainable model for Xbox but I'm not complaining.

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Because there's not much to say. It's just netflix but for games.

anyone who gives microshit money doesnt belong here

No, I pay them money

>why does nobody talk about this?
Because Any Forums is a board for steam users who refuse to change

Because there will be endless subscription services due to this shit. Every fucking publisher is probably planning to do it right now. Also they remove games form game pass.

>paying to shill for billionaire jews
I don't have an image to express my disgust, I'll just call you a faggot.

Because you never actually play any of the games on the service. You THINK you will at the start; you'll download a bunch of them onto your hard drive thinking "Oh yeah I'll play this sometime this week" only you never actually bother to start them, because if you were truly interested in playing those games you'd have bought or pirated them already.

>I’m paying for something I don’t want
Stop paying money then

>from July 1 the same debit card can no longer be used to make multiple offers with different accounts
Where did you get this?

I'm not an ADHD ridden teen, I play the games in the service.

>like 6 months I dont play anything there and still pay for it,
please god tell me this is bait

we did to death user

No crossplay with Steam because fuck you I guess?

>>£1 for 3 months






They tried to launch their own services and failed. The few launchers out there are completely relying on one game. The video game business isn't like the movies. Nobody can compete with the big guys because their portfolio is not diverse. Most publishers run a few franchises and that is all.

It's a good system but I don't like not owning the games

not him but I read it on one of the microsoft/gamepass pages where you are invited to take advantage of the 3x$1 offer because it will definitely end by the end of this month

You only own physical copies of games and even then its pretty hazy

>full of games I've already played
>full of games I have no interest in
I literally don't need it.

series S and Gamepass is literally a fucking game changer

who the hell wants stupid plastic boxes cluttering everywhere