L4D2's spiritual successor

>L4D2's spiritual successor
>worse than L4D2 in pretty much every regard
What were they thinking?

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>published by warner bros

Is it worth getting on sale for $30?

>Developed by the Evolve devs
I honestly still have fun with the game with friends but it's insanely buggy and has tons of design flaws. It's one step forward and ten steps back compared to L4D2

Trying to cash in on the success of another franchise without putting any effort.

It's not worth even $10, you're probably going to struggle to find players given people were already having issues on launch days with player numbers

Also don't know if they changed it but it locked all progression if you played with bots, in a game filled with perk star card bullshit needed for higher difficulties

Probably not. It's dogshit unless you're playing with friends. I'm playing with the $1 gamepass trick and can't even find matches a lot of the time when my friends aren't on

Do you have friends to play it with? The bots are dumb as bricks and without friends you're stuck with quickplay randos and, due to the "roguelite" aspect of the game, having friends to cooperate is essential for the higher difficulties
It's on Game Pass, btw. It's how I've convinced people to try it with me

Pretty much. I thought it was visually lame how zombies didn't react to molotovs or shotgun blasts but it's also a gameplay issue cause hordes are annoying to deal with when nothing staggers them, it feels so unpolished

They thankfully changed this and buffed the bots so it's easier than playing with real people now. Still wouldn't recommend.

>"""roguelite""" game
>have to grind up in lower difficulties cause your starting deck sucks and the early supply lines are also ass
What's the point?

They went back on that finally and you get your full deck of cards from mission 1. Makes them essentially just perks like a normal game.
This game is so fucking frustrating because this was shit people said was garbage during the beta and they're only now making the changes

are the guns at least fun to shoot? is there an AK?

It's better than L4D2 in one regard: it wasn't made by known scammers who commit false advertising and fraud.

Valve screwed over the Artifact fanbase by cancelling the Artifact 2.0 beta without even allowing users to invite friends like they said they would in January 2021 and does not deserve your financial support for these gross consumer-unfriendly practices.

Depends, do you like getting queued with the same handful of people in your region?

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You do get a full deck but it's honestly not very good, the only really good card there is the one that turns your melee into a knife stab (which you probably will dump once you learn how to use actual melee weapons)

They had like 7 people working on L4D, the rest was valve lol

It feels like every company is trying to just coast and cash in on whatever goodwill they have, more than usual I mean. It's even worse when you're basically the idea guy and someone else is actually the one that made your original idea worth playing

haha dedication i love to see it

No I mean no more draw one card a turn roguelite stuff. The starter cards are still garbage but once you build a deck with unlocks you can use all of it from the first level instead of building it up over time on a playthrough. Unlocking cards and improving your deck now feels like a normal perk system instead of the mess at launch

These posts prove that the Artifact 'fanbase' deserved to get scammed.