Remember when this trailer came out and we thought it was going to be premier video games? Good times

Remember when this trailer came out and we thought it was going to be premier video games? Good times.

Attached: Cyberpunk2077trailer-820x420.jpg (820x420, 25.7K)

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I wasent disappointed it not that bad. No worse then any Bethesda game at launch.

I remember them not giving a release date and instead the tag line saying "It'll come out when it's ready" or some shit. And 8 years later it came out not ready.

Attached: 130734274_1095482300881226_6153452097321058448_n-209432885.jpg (987x804, 170.58K)

Yeah but it wasn't a hardcore RPG with flying cars like we thought it was going to be. It was GTA/Fallout with pseudo upgrades.

But most Bethesda games actually turn out pretty good after some patches.

>But most Bethesda games actually turn out decent after a fuck ton of mods.

I remember but it was hard to understand what the game was going to be. Didn’t even know who CDPR was

It's worse for being less open ended than Bethesda games. The tabletop is open ended itself, so this is what I expected. Not action adventure where I get mindraped by another protagonist and it's really just his story.

Cyberpunk runs is fine now. When did you play it?

This, no flying cars was the first big disappointment, no blade runner aesthetic and the over usage of Yellow was the second, no wall running, the lifeless city and the 0 (ZERO) roleplaying was just the icing in the shitcake
This mod is a blessing, but its a mod, the bad taste of initial disappointment will never go away.


Shit could have been so great bros. There was a cyberpunk thread yesterday with a bunch of vids like this. One of the best threads on Any Forums in ages.

Attached: blade runner kino.webm (1280x540, 2.69M)

Looks like trying to control a car with even worse traction than the grounded driving, not really interested desu.

>It was GTA/Fallout with pseudo upgrades.
Basically this. Its RPG system has as much depth as the new Assassin's Creed games. At least in Assassin's Creed you cannot one-shot the last boss because the devs didn't forget to scale it up to player's level.

its a mod, dum dum

>jew knows
>in the year 2077 where people replace their body parts!
honestly the trailer was a dead give away its going to be shit, it was just really subtle and nobody suspected it

fucking auto correct

Did I say or imply that it wasn't?

CP2077 was supposed to herald itself as the first AAAA game.

People had been sucking this game's dick since this literal nothing trailer got released, and mind you it took years before actually getting any info on the game, let alone footage. People are just that retarded.

There was other examples posted.

Attached: Flying Car mod.webm (1280x540, 2.86M)

It looks cool visually, it just doesn't look fun from a gameplay perspective, even in that clip he nearly crashes into a building. Not having to deal with traffic could make it worth a DL though.

In the newer AC games, the item/skills get pretty crazy and you probably could with the right build.