Why did they waste this character just for a cheap ending to the game...

Why did they waste this character just for a cheap ending to the game? She would’ve made a fine addition to the sequel, or gone to Obi-Wan’s show instead of… Whatever the hell they did for that.
But d*sney is incapable of planning one year into the future let alone 3 years.

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She's just a cheap knock off of Dark Side Bastila from KOTOR 1.
Even Fallen Order's good characters are just lazy re-textures of better characters from other games.

Attached: DS Bastila.jpg (1000x1276, 296.38K)

Too beautiful to be allowed in a Disney show.

isn't she black

Do black people sell video games?


Dominican or so I heard, but she does look Indian as fuck.
Point is, she’s dark enough to replace the ugly ape in Kenobi

Does Vader hate women? He strangled his wife and caused her to die from complications during child-birth and has now killed at least two female inquisitors under his command. Maybe HR can look into this.

Indian booba

>die from complications during child-birth
This again? It’s been 17 years for fuck’s sake…
She was completely fine. The droid said so. Prime health. The force choke didn’t hurt her in any way, other than knocking her out.
She didn’t “lose the Will to live”, she didn’t die “of a broken heart”.
Palpatine was draining her life with the force to keep Vader alive.

17 motherfucking years and I still have to explain this to retards.

Cool fanfic bro.

Vader's killed thousands of men, clearly he likes women better since he's killed less of them.

He doesn’t like cock hungry bitches though

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I can't believe Vader was the victim of sexual harassment in the workplace.

It is a very serious issue and Emperor Palpatine has been contacted about it, he’s already preparing his statement and will take matters into his own hands.
This kind of behavior has no place and will not be tolerated in the Galactic Empire.

yeah none of that shit is canon..

Ah yes, clearly the respected Sir user E. Moose from Any Forums™(nel) is a trusted authority as to what is canon and what isn’t.

Imagine getting prostate fingered by dark side Bastila. I would cum my balls out.

Why do you have to be a degenerate?

Because he's a sith obviously, it's literally their thing

why do they always kill off their good characters?

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He gave in to the dark side.