What were they thinking?

What were they thinking?

Attached: MWEzOTE4ZjdkNGJmM2M4ZTRmYTlmODU5MzVmMWQ0Y2H9-2TNc7kOf4IWxrPbUy3QaHR0cDovL21lZGlhLmFkc2ltZy5jb20vOGIwYWIxYm...d3dy5hZHZlcnRzLmllL3N0YXRpYy9pL3dhdGVybWFyay5wbmd8fGh0dHA6Ly9zdGF0aWMuYW1saW1nLmNvbS9lbXB0eS1pbWFnZXMvbm9uZV8zOTQuanBnfA==.jpg (600x800, 70.61K)

Special editions like this cost an arm and a leg.

British? gross


what a shitload of fuck

I hope inflation makes hundreds of millions of people starving and suffering so that they stop complaining about my games.

Make that into an onahole.

I like to imagine it was Tracer.

Butchering and mutilating women is cool

this needs more upvotes STAT

>dead island
holy shit one of the worse zombie games I've played

Tf ru talking about. This is art. Got it back then, never regret it.

Attached: myzombiebitch.jpg (493x683, 131.28K)

A real zombie apocalypse would be kino because of all the free pussies walking around.

subversion of the lewd figure packaged with special/limited edition game


Awful, you can't even titty fuck the thing

Would hotglue.

I'm surprised there's any enduring memory about this game at all honestly.

sounds like you tried...

Can you fuck it?

i know, it doesnt have a place to insert your dick.

A good brit.


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