Aliens Vs Predator 1 2 3

What did you think of them?

>inb4 garbage Half Life and Crysis clones

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Second one is the best of course. They don't make them like that anymore.

>They don't make them like that anymore.
They don't because it's not the norm anymore. If you hired the same studio Monolith they'd just make another garbage 2020-tier game in Unreal Engine or Unity just like Rebellion did with AVP2010.
>Lol it's Rebellion they'll know how to make a game just like AvP1 xD aka Quake Arena wannabe

Forgot what we were talking about but yes, I agree.

Multiplayer on 2 was the best
Single player on 1 was the best

Isolation is probably the best Alien game overall but a choice in OP

Multiplayer in AvP2 was and is still an insane amount of fun. It's much slower paced than AvP1, Unreal, Quake Arena though. Some of the slowest weapon changes and reloading I've seen in vidya.

What did you guys think of each campaign? which one was better between all 3?

AVP1 + 2 multi was a great. They were okay singe player campaigns. AVP3 had the night club thing and thats all I remember. That and the smartgun was fun to use.

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I hated how 2010 gutted the predator arsenal and dumbed down the alien movement, 2 will always be the peak of the franchise.

I could never really get into 1 (assuming we're talking about AvP 2000 and not one of the other AvP games like the one on the jaguar), it seems okay but it never interested me enough to go through it.
I used to hold 2 in high regards, but after replaying it recently, it's just okay. The marine campaign wasn't nearly as fun as I remember and the predator ended up being the highlight. Alien campaign is handled well and playing as a facehugger/chestburster is cool. It does something kind of neat with the story and it ends just as it's starting to get old.
Never was fortunate enough to experience the multiplayer.
AvP 2010 is terrible. I thought it was decent when it first came out and remember having some fun with the mp, but I tried playing it again a few years ago and I could barely sit through it for more than a few levels. Painfully generic and badly watered down from 2.

is it an uncommon opinion to hate Aliens because I watched that the other night and thought it was insultingly bad

For the time, they had really great use of logs spaced throughout the level to explain what the fuck is going on.

The twist with the Space Marines was pretty obvious.

Limited controls and environments make Predator feel more like a very basic sniper who is occasionally forced into melee than an actual hunter or alien Bond.

You sound like you'll like the fourth movie then.

>Never was fortunate enough to experience the multiplayer.
AvP2 multiplayer was the shit, you have my condolences.

I absolutely loved the single player for Marines, having your motion tracker detect something was always a moment where I started sweating. One of a kind experience. They just don't make single player atmospheric pieces like this anymore.

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Stop living in the past

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>What did you think of them?
I didn't.

AVP1 had a pretty tense single player campaign for the marines. It's an old game, but it can still make me jump sometimes.

>mfw me and both of my brothers playing Skrimish in AVP1 over LAN connection
>Literal endless horde of Aliens
>This was ~2001

Probably my earliest online vidya memory ever

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I loved 2 especially. i really enjoyed 1 and 3 too but 3 was different in a bad way. I liked how in 2 predators were basically a power fantasy in multiplayer and they often balanced it out by only having 1-2 per team.
>can jump high
>tracking projectiles
>healing ability
>energy refill ability
>different vision modes
compared to aliens
>can jump high and pounce long distances
>alternate vision modes

3 ?