Monster Hunter

9 days until the KINO armor arrives

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You're officially not permitted to play sunbreak until you submit your malzeno prooves

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>8 days remaining
Can't wait bros.

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What happens if I don't? Malzeno comes knocking on my door? Though luck, he's a vampire and I don't let him in.

SAbros, we well be eating good once Sunbreak releases.

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What's the difference with LBG and HBG?

He'll send one of his slugs to crawl up your urethra

Man twitter sucks. I wish more artists had a pixiv archive.

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One is heavy, one is light

Holy based what did they do to SA? Buffs or is the new switch skill stuff broken?

>spoiling yourself by fighting the flagship before the game is even out
that's a yikes from me chief

Are they fixing charge blade? They fucking butchered in rise after world and iceborne perfected it.

Zenith Espinas for Sunbreak.

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how you gonna dual wield weapons that are taller than you



Why is penishead presented as a hard monster?

Some soulsborne "pro"/speedrunner or whatever got filtered hard by him and started crying over how the game was shit

He's not, but a Soulsborne streamer who got carried through World/Iceborne got publicly dumpstered by Village Khezu and ragequit

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He isn't. Just annoying with his roars. The meme is that a faggot Souls streamer ate massive shit fighting Khezu and had a meltdown over it on stream then went to twitter to complain some more. Later he came back to the fight and beat him while acting like a faggot about it still.

Thanks to him Khezu is even more of a meme monster than he already was.