Buy game

>buy game
>start it, select hard for a "Challenge"
>15 mins of dialogue
>5 of you VS 10 of them
>game throws 20 How-To-Play windows throughout the whole fight
>everything collapses and the enemy rolls through me
>I'm still just trying to learn the damn game and which buttons do what
Fucking bullshit.
Why the fuck did this game not start with me specifically fighting a level 1 Rat so I can just learn the damn buttons?
Had 1 hour before work and I'm pissed knowing that I have to re-read all of that shit again since my work shift is gonna make me forget all of it.
>You picked Hard, retard
Yeah I didn't know choosing Hard meant "rape your ass during the tutorial and waste 40 minutes". My bad.

Attached: project-triangle-strategy-1536x862.jpg (1536x862, 222.82K)

user, it’s not the games fault you can’t manage your time, didn’t know what you were getting into, and then decided to do that on hard mode.

Hard doesn't even get hard until the 9th or so chapter

You picked Hard, retard.

Yeah I didn't know choosing Hard meant "rape your ass during the tutorial and waste 40 minutes". My bad.

>starting an rpg an hour before you need to go to work
No one to blame but yourself.

>pick hard
>game is hard
>wait no you can't do that!
So you just wanted to play hard because it strokes your ego to beat games on the hardest difficulty, not because you actually wanted to be challenged?

never played triangle game but had same experience with nier automata
wasted 2x 20min on hard difficulty intro sequence cuz boss at the end shits on u in 2 hits

No you dumb nigger I want to be taught how to play the fucking game before being placed in a fight where the odds are in your favor only if you know what you're doing

How does it compare to Final Fantasy Tactics?

It's a turn based game isn't it? You have infinite time to analyze the situation, make decisions, and read tutorials. Gotta play the game to learn it, and getting trashed teaches you the mechanics pretty fast. If you're not learning that's your problem, but you should be able to beat it now that you've seen how it works.

It would have just been hard to a better player, not the game's fault.

The game scales to your level btw so you can't complain about your stats/characters being too weak either

Just play on normal like everyone else first playthrough if you are going to be such a bitch about the hard mode being hard

It's a lot more story focused than most games in the genre (lots of dialogue/cutscenes especially at the start) and it deemphasises the focus FFT and similar games have on character building/winning with sheer stats/numbers. The game goes to great lengths to not allow you to be over/underleveled and focuses on broader map strategy rather than characters individually.

>it's your problem that the game has poor design
Literally just place a Level 1 Rat as the tutorial fight before this one and throw the 20 How To windows during that.
You faggots want to spout GIT GUD nonsense so badly that it has blinded you.
>Start game
>Punching bag enemy
>Now you are ready for REAL first fight
>Start game
Why are you defending the latter?

unless you played the game before or know what is expected always pick normal first. That is why it is the default difficulty. Normal is of sufficient difficulty anyway

Losing in the tutorial teaches you that you keep all the experience earned even if you lose the fight.
Most of the time you'll beat a map on hard on your second attempt. There's only one or two maps that will repeatedly kick your ass.

Just quit while ur ahead. Game is SHIT.

>The game scales to your level
Holy shit faggot you literally don't read shit before responding to it
This is thread is exclusively about the 1st fight, retard. Stats and scaling are irrelevant

Very different game desu, its alot tighter balanced and not having any sort of class changing means that each map is played more like a puzzle with X character doing Y action rather than in FFT where you are building up an army of giganiggas. Theres no way to grind effectively either, so utilizing your resources in regards to upgrades, promotions and items is alot more brain intensive than FFT, which I really liked.
Unfortunately because its so paired down mechanically I think that FFT has more fun classes, stealing in Triangle Strategy is worthless because the thief characters are late game, stealing is a conditional attack, and theres no character equipment so doing shit like nicking gafgarions sword cant happen, the arithmatician in TS is a joke compared to FFT, etc etc. If there was a TS2 i would love to see them introduce equipment and crib more ideas from FFT.

Still an excellent game, my goty with basically no contest.

I played the game exclusively on hard from minute 1, its completely doable as long as you don't ungabunga your characters straight into travis and get surrounded and spitroasted.

Worse comes to worse, literally just run your team into the water way and fight the bandits 1 at a time. You know, come up with a fucking S T R A T E G Y or some shit.

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I distinctly remember the tutorial fight being hard to fuck up on hard mode. You're just a retard.

>pick hard
>complain about too much explanation, but also complain about not knowing how to play
>lose the fight
>get angry at the game
>complain about reading the story in a trpg

Just play FFT again.

Yep OP is a fucking retard and rightfully got filtered.

>Waaaaaah! Hard mode is actually difficult!
OP is unfailingly a faggot.

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>buy game
>its not on steam

Wait until the Nintendo exclusivity expires. It'll probably come to PC eventually like Octopath did.

I played the demo on hard and had no problems.
>have the full game since day 1 but haven't played full game yet
I'm a retard here.

>>buy game

>RPGs HAVE to have dumps of dialogue at the start before any gameplay
>you got your ass kicked while the game was explaining basic mechanics during the 1st fight? Skill issue
Yeah cuz the best place to start a new player is in a fight that requires knowledge of mechanics to win.
Teach the player basic mechanics before this fight? Give him a weak NPC to break the ice like 99% of other games do? Nah fuck that.