Is it worth playing v/ros?

Feel like getting started on an RPG I haven't played before. Do I play this or should I jump straight to 2?

Attached: download.jpg (101x144, 2.99K)

Give it a try, bear in mind it has a really slow start.

jump straight to 2. i didnt even play 1

2 is trash, 1 is good

They’re all trash.

yes 1 is very good if you like RPGs

2 is good, 1 is trash. Might not even bother.

It's good. Peak Witcher atmosphere. Good soundtrack. Interesting story. Good hub based levels. Highly recommend playing top down, as the engine was designed for it, and it makes the game feel less dated. The experience of loading your Witcher 1 save into Witcher 2 and so on is fantastic. Feels great to get unique items and a continuous story that reflects long-term game choices

Very worth playing OP. It can be kinda slow in some parts, but the atmosphere is comfy and it's pretty cool to see all the characters before they were really polished. It's interesting to see the relationships betweeb them, too.

Absolutely. All the Witcher games are amazing in their own way
1 and 2 have the best world too, not that open world shit with copypasted content

Game had hardcoded mouse acceleration for some retarded reason and controller doesn't work so goodluck suffering through the mouse aids. It was good game despite this.

Do you like rhythm games? If yes, play 1.

Play all of them or just play 3. 2 is the weakest one in my opinion. Great story, but the fact that potions expire during cutscenes makes it even more broken than anything in TW1.

Yeah I'd say 2 is the weakest, but that doesn't mean it's bad in any way
It's a 9/10 sandwiched by 10/10s
I think the only problem I ever had with potions running out during cutscenes was at the end of chapter 2 where I had to fight the final boss of the chapter without potions active because there was that sequence where you play a posessed soldier or whatever beforehand

It's pretty good, but eventually you'll start to despise all the running around and getting bored to death by the shitty combat that's somehow worse than even Skyrim, so I would recommend
>faster movement speed mod or mastering the weird save/load mechanic with switching combat styles to maximize your running speed
>playing on easy difficulty so the combat encounters are over as quickly as possible
>playing on hard mode and running away from every possible enemy you can avoid or cheesing the shit out of the game with Igni to spare your sanity

Attached: wiedzmin.png (625x188, 168.33K)

>Is it worth playing v/ros?
Absolutely. It's one of the last great CRPGs, and IMO the only GOOD game in the Witcher-trilogy.
Great atmosphere, good story, fun and varied ROLE-playing gameplay. Tons of replay value.

>Do I play this or should I jump straight to 2?
Fuck NO! If anything, you should SKIP TW2.
That trash absolutely ruined the franchise, and is so goddamn janky to play.

Attached: tw1 is beautiful.jpg (3431x2871, 1.49M)

>eventually you'll start to despise all the running around and getting bored to death
Not true.

>the shitty combat that's somehow worse than even Skyrim,
Literally the best combat in the whole series, and I'm not even joking.
Can't believe how casual kids these days are.

Attached: TW1 over 220h on steam.jpg (357x127, 11.09K)

>you'll start to despise all the running around
kek never played an RPG I see
I loved the swamp
>run straight from quest giver to quest destination
>drag a whole train of drowners and bloedzuigers after me
>hit one of the bloedzuigers
>starts a chain reaction that explodes them all

I like the combat system because Igni and group style are funny but I think you need a specific mindset where you enjoy broken RPG builds

CDPR games are all eurojank even if shills refuse to admit it. That said, if you approach it with that perspective in mind, it's one of the better 2000s eurojanky RPGs.

>fun and varied ROLE-playing gameplay

Oh yes, it is true
I've played Witcher 1 back when it released and several times throughout the years that are not even counted in my Steam because retail version, and the combat system simply is boring at best
Or you know, spam Igni in a span of several seconds to get over all this hassle. Or just fuck off and ignore every single enemy you can avoid so you don't have to spend all this time by mindlessly clicking for the combos to connect

>to get over all this hassle
The hassle of running in a straight line while enemies can't bother you?

1 and 2 doesn't really matter, playing those outdated games would just piss you off. Just play witcher 3, 10x better in gameplay and graphics. Plus witcher 3 is the starting line story wise.

If you're already spending time running in a straight line, it could also be fuck away from the enemy
It's also funny you've mentioned bloedzuigers. Did you forget how slow these cunts move?

Can you just not read at all?
>>run straight from quest giver to quest destination

If you can get used to witcher 1 gameplay it is a very good game.

It looks like roblox tho. I can't get off to that. Just play W3 instead.

1 is the epitome of slavjank but the music and atmosphere are great.