Starfield VS The Outer worlds

The final frontier of KINO VS Rick and Morty in the space

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Have sex.


One sucked and the other is also gonna suck

Gonna be a masterpiece

>all those ESL mistakes
why am I not surprised

Good morning sir

Gonna be kino fr fr

Why am I not surprised

TOW was good but very flawed, Starfield will be good and probably flawed.
The only problem I have so far is that I am an ambivert meaning I'm both introverted and extroverted at the same time, meaning I enjoy both things but get tired easily. The problem is that I don't have a choice when building my character.
And I'm also not sure what the serpent thing is about.

There is no comparing those two. One was made by talentless hacks who made the worst fallout game and the other is made by glorious Todd Howard, a man who understands that nobody cares about the main quest and instead focuses on what's really important. Extra thick robots and lizards.

Remember when star citizen was going to come out? Anyone else remember that?

LMAO what

Bro what of Outer worlds is good?
Fighting system is really fun sometimes but the rest is not event decent.

Is a fallout who want to be a mass wffect but can't and fail in both

>corporation are bad

LMAO what?

>implying it will launch in time
>implying it won't be a buggy mess for months after launch
>implying the thousand planets won't be copy pasted + procedurally generated empty waste
>implying it will work at all and not crash every 15 minutes
>implying Bedhesda has any competence as game developers
You people forgot about Fallout 76 fast.

Fallout 76 has good tier exploration with the best character of all the series MODUS

the only problem was the launch nothing more made by unexpirience retards


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I don't even think vegas trannies would defend the abomination of a game that is TOW

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I'm probably the only white person itt.

Good morning sirs.

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Being buggy and crashing a lot is just part of the Bethesda experience at this point so it isn't really a negative. I'm sure New Vegas was worse in that department compared to FO3 but most people will still consider it the superior game. All that matters is it does the sandbox experience well enough and it will print money.

This game is going to make Any Forums seethe for the next 10 years isn't it?

Can you murder parvati?

>Any Forums is made of snoys
back to your discord and take the gypsy copycat OP with you.
you'll never be OC, you should consider killing yourself, now.

your answer is obvious.
if it isn't a enemy, can't die.

Total BTFO

You want to kill the only good looking woman in the universe

>1000 unique planets

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Cute ai? More like lesbian ai

A different teddy bear for each planet

Enjoy find them all

>we couldve been getting elder scrolls 6 right now but todd decided to make no mans sky 2 instead
it hurts bros