DotA OC thread

It's that time again, Any Forums. Post hero, item, neutral, map ideas, you name it and we'll talk about it here.

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Nice try, Icefraud.

they should add a global skill that lets everyone use Blink Dagger

Marci's husband
VA: Me
Q - I
W - Love
E - Marci
R - Marci Love!

Global movement? Sort of like Flux from HoN?

Keep the thread bump I think I can draw this, kek.

a revive skill, imagine the butthurt

Like a global ability?

praying for your recovery user

It's just one thread.

maybe if it's single target, that'd be neat
could also be a point blank AoE like the healslut from overwatch

I think the closest you can go with that that isn't too imba would be something like the wraith forms, where you stay alive for a couple more seconds.

Hopefully all the cool HoN heroes are getting ported over

Which ones? Some wouldn't work at all. Empath would be cool but she needs to be tweaked a bit to fit DotA

Here you go, user.

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is there any substance for this confluence bullshit or is it just copium

there's only a few that should come over anyway, the dota team more or less stole a fuck load of the skills and added it into their own heroes already

Void spirit said it in his reveal trailer

I thought it was the other way around? I thought HoN was porting some dota heroes to be "hon-ified"?

ah cool, hope it turns true then

nah i mean shit like marci, which is basically a dumbed down HoNs monkey king and wind rangers gush which was basically zephyrs push

water runes were a hon thing, shit like that

Int hero Clanky
Clinkz's brother in lore.
Q - Bone spear. Target point. Throws a bone spear that shatters on impact, dealing damage and stunning primary target and any enemy in a cone behind them.
W - Homing skull. Target unit. Throws a skull that homes in on enemy, shatters on impact, dealing damage to the primary target and splash damage in a small circle around it.
E - Bone barrier. Target ally. Summons several bones that give target bonus magical and physical damage block, bones are destroyed if the target takes too much damage.
R - Dead Man Walking. Target point. Summons an angry skeleton that throws bone spears and homing skulls at all enemies in range, prioritizing heroes.
Scepter increases ult's duration, shard gives 2 charges to bone spear.

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More like VERY vaguely implied it according to some lorefag youtubers.

How are you even supposed to play this guy?