Chaos meme game

Why did it fail?

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Not on steam

It’s a good game, the best FF in over 10 years
Idgaf about sales or critics

Shit marketing.

All Nioh games would get mogged by any souls game, but the best of From against the worst of Team Ninja? They had no chance.

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It looks totally uninspiring, cliche, and boring to anyone that isn't a hard-core Final Fantasy fan

You made this thread and it died from lack of interest like an hour ago. What is there to say?

where is my dlc

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This is bait, but isn't even wrong. Paradise was worse than Nioh 1, this was just a side project for TN interns. Their next real game is the chink one.

Edited the already perfect bullshit scene


Going to be honest. I love Nioh and every difficult game I played but playing this shit on hard is bullshit and infuriating.

Chaos hands typed this post.

Can someone explain this obsession with games "failing" to me? It's like people here don't even play games, they just look at one arbitrary number score and think "MY TRIBE WIN!!"


Take the post-2016 internet pill: people (and bots) are obsessed with shitposting. Anything that guarantee replies is shitposting material. Trolling is no longer about having fun or make someone mad, is just about the shitposting. That's why you can now see tons of posts that don't even try to hold any water and sometimes just contradict themselves on the self sentence, is just shitpost without meaning or relevance.

Final Fantasy is a dead brand that actively repels 90% of the gaming population just with its association

Worse writing than kingdom hearts, and being a spin off to a franchise that is in decline.

1. EGS, no Steam
2. Square literally did not market it at all. At all. Jack's english voice actor pimped this game more than anyone in the marketing department did. The only way anyone ever found out about this game was because of the 'chaos' meme, and even that was minimal and organic. They didn't even try to seize on it and viral it.

Squeenix has something like >5k employees, I know a guy who works for them in Tokyo and I asked about the game and he hadn't heard about it at all. He also told me he hates his job, doesn't give a shit, and literally does not pay attention to anything the company is doing. So yeah, that's what's going on atm.

Which is a shame because not only is SOPFFO the best FF spinoff made, it's significantly better than the past few mainline FFs.

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I feel you user, I was tempted to switch it down a lot but I stuck through it. Hard is all about balancing how you use soul shield and parries and making sure to swap job to reset your guard meter.