You do realize if this game actually does get ported to PC people will start saying it was overrated right?

You do realize if this game actually does get ported to PC people will start saying it was overrated right?

Attached: Bloodborne_Cover_Wallpaper.jpg (288x345, 41.54K)

Holy coperoni

I won't give a plague rat's ass what people think or say about it after Bloodborne gets a PC port.

It doesn't matter. It's not overrated. It's the best game of its kind. I'd buy it again to play it in a proper frame rate.

its overrated because its just dark souls 3 with regenerating health

Grow up.

it is overrated

Shitposters gunna shitpost, what are you gunna do about it? Cry? Shit and fart maybe? Cum a little while pissing?

Attached: FOr1jk2XwBMpo3A.jpg (3333x3816, 1.16M)

It is. You can plat it in a week.


Not really

I don't give a fucking shit what other people will say about it. I will play it and I will have fun.

i consider it overrated right now

What if it gets ported to PC but as an Epic Games Store exclusive with Denuvo with always online DRM and only runs on Windows 11?

youre right, the pvp is worse

It will get ported soon

By bluepoint btw :)

I don't care. I already played it. It's ok.

Nah people will finally get to see how much better it is than Elden Ring

It is overrated though. Post the graph.

Not a high bar to beat. Every souls game is better than elden ring

Why the fuck would I care what people say about it

Impossible bar to beat. No game is better than elden ring