You play mobile games? If so which ones? If not how come?

You play mobile games? If so which ones? If not how come?

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i remember liking quad-touch.

I don't have a mobile phone. Not through poorfaggery or anything of the sort, I just don't trust any of them not to be gigantic CIAnigger tracking, listening, and spying devices.


Most of them seem to suck and I never really feel like playing games when I'm not home. Last one I enjoyed was Desert Golf.

how do you keep in contact with your friends when you're far from your pc?

I play some shitty gacha games on my tablet like blue archive but I just use my phone to listen to music and read during work breaks.

Everything is tracking you, everything is spying on you, the government already knows everything you do, fap to, SSN and all bank accounts, fingerprints, DNA
they just don't really give a shit unless you're planning to do some terrorism

mobile games have been dead for almost a decade at this point
microtransactions sucked all the good game design out of their industry
apple arcade/google play pass have been trying to fix this, but have had poor results
anyways, here's my list of mobile games that are actually good. some have been ported elsewhere, but are best experienced on mobile. none are ports.
>part time ufo
>ridiculous fishing
>monument valley
>early pokemon go
>hidden folks
another issue for mobile gaming is that no companies involved in distribution or updates care about preservation. many great games have been lost to time (including a couple games listed above) with no intent to revive them ever being expressed. if this isnt a sign of a faithless industry that shits out soulless products instead of anything wortwhile, i dont know what else could show their waste of data, time, space, and oxygen more.

the only game I have on my phone is desert golfing

I agree with you on preservation
There's so many kino mobile games I see posted here or on YouTube and I'll like "This is exactly the type of shit I've been looking for!" but when I try to find them turns out they're
>not supported on current OS
>been removed from the app store
Trash shit, I wish there was a way to access these games without jailbreaking or changing your os

I'll buy a smartphone that can play games when mabinogi mobile releases
until then granblue is about all my phone can handle and I dislike that game

I play amonggi, apex, and fgo as now. Will add BF:M in the future

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FFT and Valkyrie Profile are the only two on my phone.

There just aren't any good games for it. Pretty much the only thing I play is solitaire while on the shitter.

I didn't ask you schizoid.


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Granblue fantasy for hitting that mmo-like grinding itch
Chess for when I want to play a real game , I only play puzzles though.


is good place to discuss mobile games.
i only play emulated games I used to be a huge gacha addict but it eventually became really dull

Ghost Trick on PC and Switch when?

>You know what I will say something that is not real and pretend its true

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You have a shitter taste.

I just carry either a hacked 3DS or hacked Vita with me alongside my phone

i actually just bought a tablet to replace my phone, since i play a lot of colorful stage/project sekai and i figured it'd feel more comfortable and it is. i installed a couple of other games on it, blue archive & fire emblem heroes, currently installing arcaea.

Uh just some sonic games and some overwatch clone called T3 arena

I played Dokkan Battle for a while a few years ago too
I once got so addicted to it I spent $200 fucking dollars in ONE month on micro transactions
They just fucking snatch you in man

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playing gta3 on mobile SUCKS donkey cock, everythings so tiny

My old iPod still has MvC2, Flappy Bird, Minecraft PE (with the weird skyscraper nether thing) and I think Doom RPG
