Proper Breath of Fire 6

How would you do it? When/where would you set it in? How would wyndians be different this time? How would dragons? Faeries or ants? Etc.

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So Deis would have a bigger role? Would it be lamia Deis timeline or wut


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Why everyone's ignoring OP

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IV prequel where you play as Fou-Lu

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I honestly don't know where to drive the story anymore. 4 was the peak in terms of storytelling and one of the best ps1 era jrpgs in that aspect whatsoever.
Make Ryu more like Fou-lu is my best bet. A cool and older more confident protagonist already having a grasp over his dragon powers and engaged in a more political story akin to Suikoden.

4 sprites but not grainy
proper transformations like in 3, not the stupid anime shit of 4
have absolutely no relation to Dragon Quarter
combat a bit more fast paced
return of the gene splicing system
make different forms of dragon more relevant rather than basically just having a go-to form that you pick
master system returns
enemy skill system returns
fishing subgame that gives you op gear throughout the game like in 3 returns
Peco-esque character returns that requires lots of investment
in terms of wyndians, maybe Nina can have an angel-esque transformation

basically just give me a proper BoF game. change things around a bit but not too much. make it look and sound good. no mobile shit, no Dragon Quarter shit.

So the genesis of the Fou empire? So no Ryu/Nina seeing as, at least the former, is iirc a by-product of a screwed up summoning. A spin-off then

Dragon quarter comes close second imo, even though the game practically punishes you for taking the time to absorb the lore

DQ, but good - so a post-apocalyptic steampunk setting not confined to the underground, open world with lots of ruins overgrown with vegetation (think Nier Automata).
Nina has googles, rides a flying scooter and her wings are antennae that allow her to hijack and control various machinery.
Dragons are ancient race with potential of becoming weapons of mass destruction.
Faction controlled by not-Myria hunts dragons to use them as energy sources and gathers capable individuals to turn into demons and build an army.
Ryu and his sister are on the run, but she gets captured, so the player has to gather a party and go rescue her.
No faeries, but anthropomorphic Ant Queen NPC would kickstart Ant Colony minigame.

>4 sprites but not grainy
I loves me some stunning sprites but that would never happen nowadays. But basically you'd want a better 3, huh

Capcom are the king of sprites and, in retrospect, the main thing that makes BoF3/4 stand out is their sprite work. If they're doing it in 3D then I'm out.

Would that be set quite a few years after 5, then?

>Capcom are the king of sprites
were. they dont have it in them anymore, I fear.

I like this one, but I don't think it would be the way to go right away -- a proper return to form needs to be a somewhat classic take on BoF, I think. Maybe for a BoF7 tho

We've had medieval times, advanced tech ruins, steampunkish, joseon aesthetics, etc. so I guess a newer setting would be... prehistoric? Maybe right after BOF5 when they're starting anew on the surface


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Sorry all this antennae thing makes me want a bug / butterfly Nina even if it doesn't make sense. Also I want Nina to do that dance.

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Nina 3 > Nina 2 > Nina 1 > a plate of warm dog shit > Nina ‘I fuck frogs and cats’ 4

Well, 5 Nina arent exactly (bird) wings so

Nina 4 belongs to Cray

I mean antennae as their function, like transmitters. Visually they would look more-or-less like wings. But half-faery Nina doesn't sound like that bad of a concept too.

Morlok isn't a frog. And Nina 4's "I love Cray" is NA translator's fanfiction.

>No faeries, but anthropomorphic Ant Queen NPC would kickstart Ant Colony minigame.
I want Ant Queen to be a playable character. Sorta like Peco, we'll get her young and impressionable

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>And Nina 4's "I love Cray" is NA translator's fanfiction.
What was it originally? I always saw it as in brotherly love seeing as he liked her sis