Treasure Thread

What game would you like to see from Treasure for their 30th anniversary surprise, Any Forums?

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New Sin and Punishment

A game!


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Wario World 2

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Unironically Stretch Panic. I really like the aesthetic and want to see it in a game that's not 20 minutes long

Dynamite Headdy 2 or Gradius VI.
Neither of these are happening btw.

I want something Bangai-O related but chances of that are low


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how is treasure alive

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Why does everyone ask this fucking question

Acquisition by Nintendo

normies eat up ikaruga re-releases like flies on shit

Did they say when the announcement is going to be?


No. All they said is they're going to announce a highly requested game (which is probably Silvergun since everyone keeps begging them on Twitter)

>another generic shoot em ups

Whatever they make I will be happy since they only make good games. I hope we also see some more ports to Steam and consoles. Would be nice to see a PC version of Sin and Punishment 2 that uses mouse and keyboard or even just the XBLA version of Radiant Silvergun on Steam

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Zoom zoom

Having a blast with S&P right now

Never ever

Nintendo already owns S&P anyways

Ranni lost

silhouette mirage prequel