The item that ruined Team Fortress 2

The item that ruined Team Fortress 2.

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 358.23K)

99% of players use it wrong and super obviously

I used it to openly dm with the ambassador. I don't know why that game didn't give you more opportunities to just click heads.

Thats not the iron bomber

Not even the worst offending Spy weapon.

Attached: Backpack_Conniver%27s_Kunai.png (512x512, 12.85K)

why do i see sweaty spy main faggots on youtube ALWAYS use this shit weapon? the massive health penalty is not worth it at all.

'Obviously' doesn't matter as much when you can use it as a free respawn.

ya day zero was broken then the nerf ruined it

Meh. These things are jokes compared to pre-nerf ambassador. I can't believe there are people who unironically defended it.

>Staring right at Spy
>Get backstabbed

Nice class faggots.

stare left at the spy instead

>The item that ruined Team Fortress 2.
For me its...nothing

the Dead Ringer meta made the stock watch ridiculously overpowered because brainless players didn't know to turn around without a jet taking off behind them

>downside is actually an upside
what the fuck were they thinking?

because they're sweaty spy mains who realized the only way to effectively play spy was to abuse the game engine as well as pick on people too retarded to not get face stabbed

Literally nobody would mind if Sniper and Spy were removed. You'd probably have to nerf Medic and Engineer a bit to compensate, but still.

because it required zero skill or strat to use it effectively.

Sniper needs his main weapon's range limited, nothing else
Maybe return Spy to 300 speed instead of 320 but NEVER remove this class

>not the gunslinger

>nothing else
Hardscoping needs to be nerfed. His ammo count also needs to be nerfed. Should be like 10 instead of 25 so he has to refill eventually unlike 25 which is effectively infinite

Hardscoping is bad because it requires lightning reflexes to use safely, and if you don't have those then you've been making yourself an easy target to hitscan classes.

how do you limit the range of a hitscan weapon

the same way hitscan taunts are range limited

Why hasn’t anyone made a TF2 clone for mobile? TF2 is arguably one of the most fun multiplayer games I’ve played and there’s no chance in hell Gabe will port it to mobile

Never ever backpedal when fighting a spy.
Ideally just don’t get within melee range at all since backstab registration is utterly nonsensical.

If the point the hitscan is aiming at is a certain distance away, damage falls off until a little further distance that removes the shot from existence (doing no damage)

If I made the enemy team paranoid as fuck while 4-5 of them turn into pyros to spycheck everywhere then I did my job

Because mobile gaming is absolute dogshit