If you don't agree with this, then I cannot take you seriously

If you don't agree with this, then I cannot take you seriously.

Attached: erterrtr.png (780x455, 17.57K)

Why would I care about some troon "taking me seriously"?

Have sex.

You spelled "automatically" wrong.

Trump lost.


Okay, tranny.

Remove the word of "sexy" from that sentence then I can take you seriously.

>hasn't played a single metroid game

Posting in a tranny thread.

I'll be so glad when we can finally get id of every single chud and incel on this board.


Like I care about being taken seriously by some woman-hating idiot.

Since sexiness is a subjective trait, does that mean all games featuring women are bad?


All games that you relate the most will flop.

Attractive female characters can only make a game better. It doesn't magically make a bad game good, but it does make a good game even better.

Attached: 1621656560855.gif (460x480, 404.06K)

>get id

Horizon and Last of Us 2 are great games with positive female role models.

All female characters are sexy because all females are beautiful.

At this point I'm convinced video games shouldn't even have humans in it. All the characters should be robots or aliens.


I promise you, if you have sex, you won't be so angry.

>Be OP in a thread
Then I cannot take you seriously.

Attached: 1603098165815.jpg (408x321, 32.32K)

but i have, though? having sex only reinforced the fact that hot chicks make my dick hard, be they irl or fiction
you're the one seething over hot chicks in vidya because...? I dunno.

No, you haven't. People who get laid don't criticize women, they don't objectify them, and they sure as hell don't jack off to them.

>great games with positive female role models are flopped games

>people who get laid turn into feminist simps
top kek keep telling yourself that

Neither of those flopped, though.

>western shit
Old Tomb Raider games had that and they were seen as "bad" so...

See you in PC6.

Feminists get laid, chud. Not nerdy incels like yourself.

And who the fuck are you? You're less than a spec of dust by the road to me.

I'm richer, better looking, and people actually like me.

Valuable enough to be sold for NFT? Good thing that they're in a better hands now. Rest in peace.


have you noticed how educational games aren't big sellers? this is how you go bankrupt


as a tranny i would prefer a games cast all sexualized women

Kek who cares? You still don't matter to me. Tifa or Samus have more worth than your life in my eyes.

>Feminists get laid
Then why are they always angry and hateful?

Cluster B manifestation.

Seek help, you are mentally ill.

Different user here. Getting laid only made me enjoy sexy video game characters even more. I could jerk off to vidya girls because I wanted to and not because it was my only sexual outlet.