Sony finally has a tiered service to PS+ to compete with stuff like Game Pass Ultimate

>Sony finally has a tiered service to PS+ to compete with stuff like Game Pass Ultimate
>Its somehow even worse value than Switch Online Expansion

How many more companies are gonna follow this trend now? EA Play exists but thats already part of Game Pass so you wouldnt sub to it by itself.

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kek keep believing that tendie

>Its somehow even worse value than Switch Online Expansion
lmao no

35$ for youtube tv? is that shit real?

I only pay for a Netflix subscription, and thats because my mom wants it. Haven't used that shit once. Fuck subscription services, I pirate and backup everything.

>Daily Harvest
Do people really?

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>6 video streaming services
>fucking cable
how fucking deranged do you need to be

>Vanity Fair
>New Yorker
Might as well complete the snob trifecta by subscribing to The Cavendish.

How does one even have time for all of this?

>this is the person who tells you to eat the rich

probably still with his parents

My only monthly subs are
>youtube premium $11
>spotify $10
>MKT gold pass ~$6
Yearly are
>NSO $50
>Any Forums pass $25
All I need. Maybe if I ever get an Xbox (depending on DD2) I'll add gamepass, but I have no use for most things people jump to pay for.

You can post without that obnoxious fucking you've had Any Forums pass for X long thing in your name?

What's wrong with millennials

Yeah? I think it's some sort of shit you have to put in the options field to show it.
I don't know what it even is, because why would you attention whore so pointlessly? I just want to not deal with asscancer captcha.

I feel like a fucking retard. I always thought it was something that was on and couldn't be turned off as a way for moot to be a cunt to people supporting the website.

>paying for you tube
how stupid do you have to be?

Does Any Forums genuinely believe PS+ Premium for 120 bucks or whatever the fuck, with WORSE emulation is somehow better value than NSO Expansion at 60? The PS3 games included arent even natively running either.

Not defending NSO but at the very least the games run natively

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>cut the cord bro its easy!


>what is a family