Why do Nintendo fans hate JRPGs so much?

Why do Nintendo fans hate JRPGs so much?

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Because thats snoy movieshit. kill yourself.

why do we have 2 threads of this retard
stop shilling your fucking channel


Low attention span, they probably think that its just "ugu sempai, touch my animu tits" stuff

95% of Japanese media caters to room temperature IQ

>Some autist with a furry rantsona
Who cares

They overwhelmingly grew up in the period (roughly the Gamecube era) where Nintendo of America mismanaged, failed to localize, and under-advertised most games that were particularly obviously Japanese, which included a lot of JRPGs. Mother and Fire Emblem both languished in their own way during this period, just for some obvious examples.
Now kill yourself for making an eceleb thread with an obvious question.

I talked about this on my channel.

Nintendo youtubers CANNOT grift off of long JRPGs the way they can with virtually every other genre. Making money in the gaming sphere essentially boils down to manufacturing controversy about games your audience hasn't played yet. (See Mario Strikers)

JRPGs are so long and have so much content it's very hard for YouTubers to use the typical tactics on them for views.

>japanese games

Why do all Nintendo jewtubers hate rpgs

Why do you like making this thread so much?

the way youtubers talked about Mario Strikers made me think the game was so incredibly bad it put Super Rush to shame
I played it, and I just couldn't see where the outrage comes from aside from the small roster. The gameplay feels good, the animations are crisp, the soundtrack is nice, the stylized menu and general theme of the game was great as well. I genuinely do not understand any other criticism than DLC dripfeed.
Maybe I am getting old

People who are using the game as a whipping boy to air their general grievances about Nintendo's modern practices instead of criticizing the game at hand on its own merits

Many nintendo youtubers grew up with 64 or gamecube (almost all of them not having gba or ds) those consoles are notorious for having little to none jrpgs or anime games in general also nostalia googles are stronge with those consoles so they refuse to move forward or try something diferent, so now they seethe when nintendo make fire emblem or xenoblade or other games with anime asthetic.

One thing I noticed is that people think they are a lot of mario sports game on switch and all of them are bad, when in realty they are only 3 (you can count mario&sonic too if you like) and only one of them is mediocre at best.

hey cody
how's it malding

Oh no.... The Alligator guy. Nintendo's reputation is ruined...

Rpgs aren't exactly high brow. You just press the confirm button pressing the same exact options over & over, attack & sometimes heal. Wow, you need a large attention span for that?

Literally who?

I think most of them are just kids. I remember I used to hate anime stuff as a kid as well because of cringy weebs, but then I grew up and realized you don't have to hate something just because that thing's fanbase is cringe.

jarpigs are generally pretty shit

JRPG devs target the Switch out of necessity, because it's the final refuge for AA studios. Not because Nintendo fans suddenly fell in love with the genre.

>they probably think that its just "ugu sempai, touch my animu tits" stuff

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It’s not just nintendo fans, but they’re the most vocal because classic nintendo franchises are the only ones being ignored in favor of more moeshit coomer “””games”””

>people grew up loving Nintendo because of their platformers, action adventure games, racing games, etc
>now half of everything they show is low budget JRPG shit that looks too anime, and is coombait

It’s insane to me that after all of these attempts, anime and JRPG fans have STILL been unable to defend this, to this day. They either start seething uncontrollably when you criticize it or just sweep it under the rug.

>famicom detective club, a classic nintendo series got remakes a while back
>nintendo "fans" cried about it being "muh anime moeshit" despite it being a hugely influential series that led to the creation of Ace Attorney
They don't care about classic nintendo franchises they just care about bing bing wahoo and zeldashit.

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This is kind of funny to me, because I grew up on the SNES and that thing was a gold mine for JRPGs

The SNES was an absolute haven of """"anime"""" games.

everybody gangster until the youtuber's persona crosses their arms

you're being very disengeous. sometimes you need to make big brain moves like using lightning against the metallic lightning-weak enemies

Why do people keep spreading this fake narrative? Why cant you accept that some people just dont like JRPGs?

>I'm not really a fan of RPGs
every time

oh shit his animal avatar is crossing his arms nintendo gonna get roasted

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Don't forget Pokemon