Why does it suck so much

why does it suck so much

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gameplay isn't very fun or engaging in a game that is all gameplay.

Skill issue the game is fantastic stick to fortnite little boy

Artificial item pool trickle
Boss DPS caps
Unfun per-weapon ammo system
Memey reference guns instead of punchy satisfying ones

it's not bad it's just that nuclear throne beats the living shit out of it in all ways except "look at all the crazy guns"

the guns aren't even that crazy. isaac does a much better job at variety if that's what you want. gungeon doesn't do anything well and is just mediocre all around.

Because it literally doesn't get good until you start buying a fuck load of guns to spawn in your loot pool. Now for me after 200 hours yeah I can enjoy it but I'm not gonna lie starting out feels fucking awful so I really don't blame people when they say the game sucks ass

hahahahaha half of the chests i open are rat notes hahaahahahah definitely skill issue. i made it to the final floor on my second attempt cuz of rng definitely skill based game

>the guns aren't even that crazy.
That's a lie you must have never had a crazy build in Gungeon where you were killing bosses in 4-5 shots. Not that its an easy thing to obtain in the first place but you can get some pretty crazy shit going in EtG

it just does
play nt instead

>Skill issue the game is fantastic
tried the game 3 times in a span of 5 years.

It's just not good

>buggy unfinished trash Nuclear Throne better than ETG

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>Boss DPS caps
I didn't even know this was a thing, that's absolute horseshit


A testament to how good NTs base gameplay is.

10/10 trolling lad

>isaac does a much better job

it does. isaac's core gameplay and variety blows gungeon's out of the water. gungeon never feels particularly fun to play, its a shit game.

truth hurts, huh?

its shit

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I like the gameplay more
I don't see how it's buggy and unfinished but that's cool man

It’s a skill issue on the devs part. Killing the same bosses no damage which take 2 minutes each every time are boring compared to early Isaac which can melt in seconds

Opinions from zoomers are about the lowest tier opinions out there. Game is great plenty of people enjoy it and since you're nothing but a speck on this worthless planet, majority wins. Sorry lads but enjoy having dogshit taste

lmao shut your pasty ass up you dumb bitch
play better roguelites
like NT

I find it hard to get into rouguelikes or rouguelites, whatever you want to call them. So many runs just feel like luck and when the games are hard you end up with this pattern where you die during the last 1/4 of the run over and over and over again, but can clear the first 3/4 with 0 effort. Spend like 10-30 minutes to get to the only part you struggle with, its really boring. Imagine if in Ninja Giden instead of going back to a savepoint you were forced to restart the mission everytime? It would suck major ass imo.

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>turn on rainbow mode
>cant play without it

in turn, the games are much shorter and designed around replayability
reaching the boss fight and looping in nuclear throne takes around 15-20 mins tops, for example

ETG is the epitome of zoomer shit

git gud you faggots

skill won't fix bad game design