What am I in for bros?

Remake btw

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You're in for either walking, riding a bike, or climbing a mountain.

a really good game. played through it myself blind 2 years or so ago and I really enjoyed it.

If you haven't played a survival horror Resi game before you will die a lot and get frustrated. If you give up and quit you're a pussy. Play with tank controls. Don't be a 2D-control-using bitch. Have fun. It's great and comfy.

the worst inventory of all time
it will grind your balls

play on easy

>worst inventory of all time
Play 0.
Op, if you want two extra inventory slots, then play as Jill. Chris has 2 less, but he can take more damage.


Go mountain, with classic controls for the best experience.

if its anything I played Jill and Normal mode and didn't really have much issues. Make sure to explore all the rooms and grab healing items and good weapons. Always try have a free inventory slot.

Chris also gets to interact with Rebecca so he is way better by default


Based. Rebecca is best girl.

>kill zombies in 2 hits or less with a handgun
anybody who plays on easy can suck my dick
and they can eat my shit if they use the "alternate" controls, which totally fucks the game balance entirely by allowing you to dance around like a zoomer on meth, capable of making instant 180 turns with no delay

Jill, the master of unlocking, has better quality of life.

I can't finish that game, the zombie bodies and the possibility of the crimson heads really stress me out, I reload my save over and over until I get a headshot. Maybe I should get my sister to play it with me

Getting lost, complaining about the difficulty and quitting before the first boss

Associating with a diseased sewer goblin (pic related!) is not a good thing, user.

Attached: 1646260664892.png (102x103, 18K)

its more realistic which is why I also use tank controls

just play the original bro, its honestly way more fun and easy

This needs to stop. I'm putting my foot down. Rebecca is revolting. She looks like a bridge troll.

I like short hair girls. I love short hair girls actually. They are typically better than regular girls. But Rebecca herself is totally unappealing and repulsive. She is boring and bland. She looks like a goblin. I know you guys like to meme about RE2make Claire looking like a goblin, but seriously, Rebecca LOOKS like a sewer goblin. There is something so inherently offputting about her that every time I look at her I feel sick, like throw-up sick. Where I just wanna lie down and wait until my stomach settles down. It's not butterflies in my tummy. She is just disgusting and ugly. The only time she has ever looked decent was in her red Director's Cut outfit but I think that speaks more to the quality of the outfit itself than to Rebecca's attractiveness. Sorry but you need to hear the truth. The Rebecca posting has gotten out of hand. She is probably the worst girl in the entire series. Your obsession needs to end.

Attached: Yupyupyup you are fucking DONE.webm (640x900, 1.71M)

I typically don't like short haired girls, but I like Rebecca. P_P

Got drunk on Friday night and played most of the way through as Chris on Hard. Only really have the tunnels and lab to do.

Last good RE before RE7 and RE2R.

Punch the shark to death.

The stress is part of the fun. The safety of the save rooms wouldn't be as comforting if you weren't constantly on the verge of a meltdown whenever you leave them.


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I was thinking that, is the DS version the definitive version?

firing a single bullet into a zombies chest and having them instantly die isn't realistic user, not by a long shot

I already did the guardhouse

most of the time you’re pretty close up so i dont think its too far of a shot

Pretty much. Has some additional things that make it a bit better than the original.
The remake honestly just feels bloated to me, I prefer the simplicity of the original.

Don't worry, user. You'll be fine. They give you more than enough ammo.
Don't just keep reloading your save, continue to play with the stress. It's part of what makes the survival horror get to you and feel more serious.
I was stressed while playing, but it's without a doubt one of the best games I've ever played and it blew my mind.

Beccabros... It's fucking over...

An excellent game
I prefer the 1996 one for its atmosphere and pacing though, if you like this one you should try the original too just to see the differences

I only played the PS1 game and I didn't like it as much as RE2 and 3

she is my effing babe you guys

Attached: becca.png (1000x563, 677.3K)