People will buy a ps5 for this

People will buy a ps5 for this.

Including me

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its on pc retard

Not me, I won't even play it for free, woke shit

I have a PS5 and will never buy that,

what's up with thumbnail posting today

I gotta see more of it to decide if I'm gonna buy this

Shit Enix must die.

I cannot put into words how little this machine means to me.

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im trans btw

It'll be a flop

The gameplay looks good, I just have no idea where the story is going with the niggers and MOTHAFUCKIN DRAGONS

I have a PS5 and I'm not gonna bother with it. In fact everything I've played on this thing is multiplats. Thank fuck I didn't buy it.

>70 dollars
Its gonna flop. Hell I don't even think people are gonna buy FF7R2 at 70 bucks either.

gonna pirate it because the open world looks semi interesting to explore/traverse. snoys are morons.



Buying a PS5 for this, FF7R2, and TLOU Remake and BR


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>FFXV team

no thanks

This op is retarded