Oh, this is precious... The user doesn't know how to build a PC, oh good Lord!

Oh, this is precious... The user doesn't know how to build a PC, oh good Lord!

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knew some kid in grade school who built one. it cant be that hard, right?

Some people still get intimidated too hard. They still think it's like how Tony makes the Ironman suit in their Marvel movies

Guilty. Asked another user to help me build one.

im too lazy to actually build it, why do all that labor when i can just pay someone to do it for me?

I changed motherboard once, took me like 5 hours and it gave me cold sweats.

I do, I'm just retarded and clumsy so it takes me hours and I'm terrified I fried a component hours ago without knowing it. Then I turn it on and it just werks.

did it once, took an entire evening

don't reckon i ever want to again when i can afford to pay someone to assemble it, meh

>all the labor
It takes 2 hours max

>First worlders so lazy they just want to pay others for everything
God I wish I lived in the US so I could get paid by rich retards to do simple shit.

dont have time for it and im not poor, cry moar about it

Don't have time to build a PC but do have time to shitpost all day?

well, I'm an idiot in everything in life, I'm too scared to handle precious hardware.

yes, problem?

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I don't have a problem, I said I wish I was getting paid to solve simple shit for you.

i have only bought prebuilts all my life because i always end up buying computers at times when GPUs are too expensive

Only bought prebuild PCs and consoles and food.
We have some issue with this OP?

>pay others to do it
>they sabotage your PC just enough to get paid to fix it over and over again
>they secretly void the warranty of hardware just because
>they put toilet water in your PC cooler just because
>they change LED light behavior so it looks like your PC is permanently reading something in the background
>they replace your $50000 video card with a FX5500

Assembly is easy, but making an informed selection of parts for best value takes some effort

Zoomers are so fucking bad with computers, they're legitimately worse than boomers
I always worried I would get replaced by the next generation in my field but they're so collectively shit I'm set for life

I was about to build a second PC but the cost of 3080 skyrocketed astronomically to the point where buying a prebuilt with the 3080 in it was the FAR cheaper option. It also had the exact same CPU I wanted in it and less hassle for me so whatever.

>born late enough that technology is wizardry for boomers
>born early enough that zoomers get lobotomized by easy technology
It's a good feel.

because prebuilts can be shockingly low quality when it comes to construction.
a lot will not even be bothered to enable XMP overclocking after installing fancy RAM.
heating issues are also very rampant, with some cpu's reaching over 100C in some brands own pcs.
there's even step by step guides for specific pc builds people have tailor made, theres really no excuse.

>They still think it's like how Tony makes the Ironman suit in their Marvel movies
He waves his arms around a bit and all the pieces just kind of fly around and combine together?