Should've apologized, now it's too late

should've apologized, now it's too late

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Best diablo game

this but unironically

d2 is the most overrated nostalgia reliant piece of shit ive ever played, and the remaster did nothing to change that

d3 was the peak of diablo, improved on d2 in every way and d4 will just end up being a microtransaction filled mess... d3 is in the perfect sweet spot of being an objective improvement over d2 but also microtransaction free

What is there to apologize for? It sucks.


this cover is really minimal and nice

too bad this game SUCKS

Your endgame is killing the same bosses for YEARS until you get the BIS Legendary

this but without the doomposting for d4
its actually insane how boomers think cookie clicker but grimdark is acceptable gameplay


I played D1 and D3 and only recently did I play Resurrected which was my first time playing D2 and it was a shitload more fun and far less streamlined than D3 ever was.

oh not that again

Way to out yourself as a youngfag. Only way you could like D3 is nostalgia from when you were whatever age.

"Objectively better" im sure this is the type of shit the devs thought as well. Oh we're so smart and modern, we'll just change this and that so it's objectively better. Their hubris didn't allow them to accept that the changes they made were not objectively better, but tradeoffs.

Instant and free respec is convenient, but makes choices meaningless, makes it feel like you didn't earn anything, and like you don't have a unique character you struggled with and whose build was cultivated over a full adventure. But okay, convenience.

D3 is really the story of these stupid tradeoffs that prideful modern devs thought were so smart but were actually incredibly stunted in areas they didn't consider.

I don't remember shit about D3, but still remember playing D2.

>d3 is in the perfect sweet spot of being an objective improvement over d2 but also microtransaction free
There is some truth to this to be fair, whilst I don't think D3 is an objective improvement, it's more of a different take on the same genre, it's true that it is in somewhat of a sweet middle spot

For all the games flaws it is actually microtransaction free, the same will not be true for D4, and whilst D2 is great in its own way it's also very outdated and is a huge time waster of a game, D3 atleast respects the players time more and as such, I think it's the game that is far more worth playing for Diablo binges.

I think the franchise is more or less dead either way at this point, D4 will inevitably be soulless nu-Bluzzard gacha garbage, but I will always respect D3 for what it is.

>I cant brick my build for hell
literally all d2 boomers care about is not playing their game LMAO
>D3 is really the story of these stupid tradeoffs that prideful modern devs thought were so smart
And the game doesnt play like shit so they were right

wtf are you talking about

This is the description of any RPG. YWNBAW


For what should I apologise? Calling it console trash? Should I also apologise to immortal for being phone trash?

Attached: diablo 3 console trash.png (1159x499, 113.41K)

>Fuck that loser Jay Wilson
This is really all you need to know about D3 to understand why it's so fucking bad.
D3 was so disappointing it killed all my interest in modern gaming until Dark Souls restored it.
>games were nothing but COD and WOW clones
>every modern sequel was dumbed down corporate trash designed to milk the consumer of as much money as possible.
Corporate games treat their players like retarded babbies. So of course, retarded babbies love them because they have no respect for themselves nor standards to uphold.

this is the only game i have fallen asleep while playing it

PoD and PD2 are so much better than D3 that it’s actually insane. D3 sucks donkey cock— it takes about 1 week and almost no effort to create a valid endgame character and then after that you’ll barely see any differences in your character’s performance even if you grind for 10 million hours.

>until Dark Souls restored it

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