If you like it, why

>if you like it, why
>if you hated it, why
Should I buy this game? I have the whole day free to play it.
I'm on the fence because these are the same people who did Streets of Soi 4, honestly I hate how bright the game looks but I'm in the market for a PC beat em up.

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it's on gamepass

>question question question question
Why do you talk like a fucking streamer on an image board?

a paid service.

>he doesn't know

You can't handle a simple ask and 8 lines of text? Ive probably been on this baord since before you played your first video game zoomie. Did you even play the game I'm asking about

are you going to nigger yourself in every thread you can today?

not your twitch channel there bud

Put me in the screemcap

>he is unaware

It's good, but you should play also Rescue-Pazoola

Thanks user


is there a way to see what difficulty lobbies are on? trying to complete the acrade mode on highest difficulty

its fine but too short. the game needs to be at least twice the length

its fine but too long. the game needs to be at least half the length

It's ok, just don't expect huge differences between characters. Didn't like the bosses too, last boss is terrible. Arcade is pretty easy on normal difficulty, I haven't tried hard mode yet.

i enjoyed it

>if you like it, why
It's a fun arcade game in a franchise I have nostalgia for. Plus I can coop with pals

i like it because it's a solid brawler with awesome pixel art
i liked it more when splinter started flashing his thighs in every attack

I'd think you are only shown lobbies on the difficulty you chose to enter the mode
kind of like you are only shown games on the level you are standing on in story mode when you chose to find games, I might be wrong.

>I have the whole day free to play it.
so, a weekend like any normal adult human? what was the point of adding this sentence? OP reeks of faggotry

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>like it
gameplay flows smooth, online multiplayer, humor is very 90s and reddit hates it.

If you liked it, it's very likely due to nostalgia.
If you hated it, it's very likely due to not being blinded by nostalgia.

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i thought so aswell but when joining like that the hardest difficulty achievement didnt pop for me any time when doing the final boss

Dont buy it. Pay 1 dollar for 3 months of xbox game pass, play it once on gnarly and be done with it. I finished it yesterday with a friend and it's fun for what it was but gameplay is super shallow. Animations are nice but every character is pretty much the same, every single one has the same moveset, gameplay is really shallow, no depth at all. Again, it's fun for one playthrough on the hardest difficulty, just don't waste 25$ dollars on this. This is coming from someome who loves beat em ups, I still play streets of rage 4 from time to time and that game is way better than this