Why is Switch losing steam?

Why is Switch losing steam?

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no games + the steamdeck made it obsolete.


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it's not

no games and the few in the works keep getting delayed

But Steam isn't on the Switch.

By the time i get my steamdeck, nintendo will have released their next console.

It can't run steam.

I don't think the latter is true considering not many can even get a Steam Deck but as someone who owns one, yeah the Switch feels really bad to go back to after playing it. I don't think I will care to play it in 2024 when prime 4 is finally out

hahaha copium overdose

Quarantine is over and Switch Sports didn't end up being the system seller they thought it would be. I mean, it did great, but it's no Wii Sports where it drives new sales and reaches new audiences. It pretty much already did that with Animal Crossing.

should i buy a brand new (unhackable) switch for $200 or get a new pc for $1000 and emulate?

It depends on how many games you're interested in. If you're planning on buying $300 of games total and you're on the fence get the Switch. If you're planning on more than that may as well get the PC because it'd be wroth the higher cost.

PC since there will probably be a new switch in a couple years

5 years is an average lifespan

Consider getting a umpc for comfy pc gaming and emulation + handheld experience

Dead meme, no games, massive playstation events building up hype for it

Copium: the post

>buzzword: the post

not looking for any handheld experience. Even if i get a switch i'll just leave it docked to my tv.

Then a good pc is probably the best choice.

P3 is literally what hinders 345 to get ported into switch.

do you mean P5?

OH NO NO SWITCH SISTERS................

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it's got 4 games;
animal crossing
mario kart and the platform one

Hasn't it been out for over 7 years?
What doesn't lose steam after being out for years?


Oh, 5? My bad.

3 because atlus can only port p3p

No good umpcs exist