Ok but why is the world so tiny?

Ok but why is the world so tiny?

Attached: dd.jpg (1024x1024, 471.3K)

because the game was rushed to release and most of the overworld was cut

the world is too big, the open world doesn't benefit the game in the slightest

the dev team realized they had a deadline

Level design and world design is dogshit in this game. Forget that if you want to enjoy the game. It's about fun encounters and learning the ins-and-outs of the system

You should take a look at all the shit that got cut so you can be sad like the rest of us

Rushed and under-budget. The fact that the game even released at all is a miracle.


Are you fucking telling me that I've almost explored the whole map? This shit is like 1/5th of the world map when you zoom out

Attached: 777.png (811x660, 940.49K)


Have you started the mind numbing backtracking fetch/escort quests yet? World is too fucking big for the shitty quest designs, user.

It's actually ten times bigger than you think because of all the running around you have to do

Because the game is blatantly unfinished. This isn't news.

You're a retard. Being able to see Bluemoon Tower from Gran Soren and chasing the griffon there for the big showdown is kino.

Game wasn't finished, though it's a mix of both lack of dev time and the devs not having a full idea of what they were getting into I think
Honestly it's only big because there's no other way to travel than to run your ass places, having a horse would make it incredibly simple to traverse and being able to warp between major quest points in NG+ massively simplifies things

playing this game tells you instantly that the higher ups started to not have faith in this game after a certain point and rushed it heavily to just get it out. that's why so many people kept on asking for a sequel.

>Level design is dogshit
I raise you blue moon tower, sea gods temple, most of BBI, and the everfall.
The game was rushed, like all of Itsunos projects. Capcom doesn't give him the same time Konami gave Kojima, for better or worse.

Game was rushed. Can only hope Itsuno has been given more time to plan things out for DD2, though only time will tell since we've yet to get details that confirm any of the supposed leaks that have appeared over the years prior to the announcement.

Attached: Dragon's Dogma concept map and details.jpg (960x2797, 1.24M)

in the days of GTA Online, Fortnite and Gachas I doubt such immense finished product would be released

>when itsuno sees you trying to main a red class

Attached: 1583331644142.png (373x339, 126.7K)

Why is this series so hyped when the finished product is garbage?

Game was rushed and the map was reduced by half it's size. Twice.
So you are playing basically 25% of the map that was intended to be there.

What is there is fun, there's a reason people were so desptrate for a sequel, a complete masterpiece it's not that big a deal if you don't get more, an incomplete masterpiece you want to see fully realized

Wtf are you talking about. The world is the perfect size. I didn't want some padded out garbage. Gran Soren and its surrounding countryside is a great setting. Why people want to spend 100+ hours walking around will stay a mystery to me.

I had to run on the Playshitstation 3 with it's 256 MB of memory.