What video games will I be missing out on if I switch to Linux?

What video games will I be missing out on if I switch to Linux?

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grow up

Nowadays? Not much. If you if your a corpo then you need to stick to windows

lol what is that bro

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Here is the fix

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>What video games will I be missing out on if I switch to Linux?

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Just use a virtual machine when you need windows idiot

>growing up is accepting being brainwashed with globohomo shit

You just finish Null's podcast?

We're only like 5 years out from "Please drink a verification can to continue playing" being a thing only instead of drinking it's shoving up your butt and instead of a verification can it's a verification pride dildo

>filtered by a rainbow
get good fag

fuck no
Only faggots watch e-celebs, and I thought my post made it pretty clear how I feel about faggots

They really just plaster pride flags on the OS without asking? Not even Tim Apple is this gay.

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Doesn’t work on my machine :)


Are the gays with us in the room right now user?

Not my problem

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Fortnite and Destiny 2.

That's about it.

they're literally in OP's operating system user

nigger faggot lover jew kike bitch cunt retards like you always love acting like the slippery slope don't be real and it's cuz you're a gay faggot nigger lover jew kike bitch cunt retard

Argentine user here. I don't have that, LMAO.

See I'm not absolutely insane so I don't let rainbows get me this upset. Sounds like an exhausting way to live.

goalpost: shifted
argument: lost

>Homosexuals spend the majority of the 2000s arguing that they're regular people and just want to be able to marry each other legally
>After gay marriage is legalized, corporations start shoving this shit in your face every June
Maybe we should make gay marriage illegal so they have something to fight for beyond shoving their shitty flags everywhere. It's not even a flag at this point. It's branding. It's more like a company logo than anything resembling a political movement or ideology.

reminder that gays are sub 2% of the population(people who have same sex sex)

You're the one who is having a crisis over a rainbow (that you can turn off in 10 seconds if you want)

U mad?

Do some research before making a thread. ProtonDB and emulators can run 99% of games and you can run Windows in Linux so there's barely any games that won't somehow work.

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Now is understand why gaben was pushing linux gaming so hard
Why didn't we listen?

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>say to cope
>you actually do
now do it again

enjoy cutscenes not working

Sounds like your problem is with corporations, not gay marriage.

you forgot to color in your gender unicorn timmy. you don't want to sit in time out again do you?

don't they realize that forcing this shit down people's throats will only fuel the hate for gays and faggots?