1,5 year after release

>1,5 year after release
>already a 50% discount
>no real occasion to justify it
What a fucking joke of a "game".

Attached: Untitled.png (1408x698, 1.12M)

Half a year in you could buy it for $10 and get a free steelbook from Best Buy

Lol, even 2015 indie trash rarely goes as low as 50%, cyberpunk btfo'd

>discounts bad
This is your brain on Nintendo. Zelda BOTW is still above 30 yuros.

doom eternal went 50% off less than half a year after release

Do people try to hate the game non stop to fit in?
> HAHA GUYS I HATE CYBERPUNK AM I ONE OF YOU NOW? Pls give me yous and karma...

How... sad.

Attached: Sips Jackie's cum.png (345x437, 264.29K)

Explain that karma stuff please.

Attached: cheeky cunts.png (1097x461, 715.56K)

What, am i supposed to believe you also don't go to Reddit to post le funneh "CYBERPUNK... BAD!" meme to get updoots?

If you're sick of people here shitting on the game I'd check out reddit. R/lowsodiumcyberpunk is a great sub that truly appreciates the game for the deep RPG that it is.

That's what SEO manager's like him call their cent-per-post thingy.

>50% off
wait the game at base is only $30 now?
Fucking hell normally takes way longer for games to get their base price cut

They're one of those developers that always has their games on sale. I don't know anyone that bought a Witcher game full price.

Also, he just made 3 posts mentioning the game's title, bumping its relevance in the web slightly.

Now he's gonna call me schizo because I'm right and mention the title once again. Watch this.

Kek sucks to be a foreigner I guess

Stfu nigger


Still the best AAA RPG to come out in a long time.
Still two playthroughs with 150 hours.
Still going to play it again when DLC comes out next year.

Keep seething.

Attached: 20220506123907_1.jpg (1920x1080, 272.56K)

Game is great and certainly worth 30 bucks, you fags don't deserve anything good if you keep parroting what you have seen in Crowbcat's video or read in the comment section.

Attached: cyberkino.png (1494x783, 1.65M)

still coping i see

Best builds for fun?
I tried:
>shotgun, baseball-bat/punch, pistol and huge-ass gatling
>katana, daggers and sanic speed
Being hacker ends up being boring because too op.

all they literally had to do was release on PC, get decent reviews at shiny graphics, delay PS5/SeriesX till the next-gen patch then quietly cancel PS4/Xbone in the meantime

but nooooo, Polish fucks decided to go full tard

instead they chased the money and became a laughing stock with many swearing off CDPR products altogether

but yeah, you go CP2077 trans sisters, glad you got a comfy character creator with penis options

it's so fucking bad. Witcher 3 had a world that was fun to explore but in cyberjank there is NOTHING to find or any meaningful exploration.

Why do you focus on things that you hate and bring you misery? If you don't like the game just move the fuck on. Game journos love retards like you that read their endless clickbait about how Cyberpunk is a disaster on the scale of Chernobyl even 2 fucking years later. Just shut up already niglet.

Years of shitposting and still cant use caps.

meant for

Already? I've seen games that went to 75% within a year, tendie.

I did move on. I started a new run of KCD and I love it.

Attached: 1627486074263.png (1920x1080, 3.77M)

Wake me up when they rerelease a definitive edition that fixes ALL the problems the game had.

Attached: 1632008904960.jpg (1154x1617, 146.66K)

witcher 3 has been on sale more than it's been full price ever since its release, it's really nothing out of the ordinary for CDPR

Why do japs drink sake with these tiny ass shots? You'll get drunk a lot quicker that way because alcohol will be getting absorbed before reaching the stomach.

witcher 3 was the exact same way

Better than any game YOU'VE ever made, lmao