Reptilian infiltrators

>Reptilian infiltrators
>Ancient aliens
>Other ancient aliens impersonating original aliens
>Sky is giant ocean that hydromancers can use to predict the future
>Deep underground everything is just a black void
>Entire planet is upside down
>Three moons are actually alien corpses, one is missing and another one is underground
>After death, your consciousness is absorbed as information and trapped in some hellish purgatory in the roots of the world tree
Do they actually have preexisting model for the world or are they making this shit up as they go?

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Cool lore. Too bad the way they tell the story is extremely boring and made me quit the game.

>Enitre planet is upside down
In space?

Don't roll for Yelan

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Planet isn't in space. Or maybe it is, but it's some weird hollow earth bullshit. Best guess is that the entire world is a pocket dimension or something

I blew everything I saved for Yelan.

How is all of that inconsistent?
>Teyvat in the ancient past
>invaded by aliens
>invasion stopped
>Celestia inverted the sky to avoid new invaders
>Apparently the invasion is related to how technological advanced human civilization gets
>they start culling it ala reapers
>sky is fake and a replica of the real one
>you climb the abyss towers to arrive at the real sky
I know there's some funky geometry but that could just be waved as "lmao 4D geometry". Everything else seems consistent so far

No, OP is ESL. He means the planet is inverted, inside out.

The Irminsul isn't the only thing that can store memory-ghosts. The people of Enkanomiya did the same thing with their Sin Shades. Also
>Cyborg Russian mafia collecting divinity from gods to help their leaders, a rogue god and an exile from the molemen, wage war on Heaven, which given the inverted world, may well be Hell

I like the theory that all the Sustainer created these weird cube rock formations and that each of them is trapping the souls of the people of the Chasm civilization to prevent them from merging with the leylines

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>>Apparently the invasion is related to how technological advanced human civilization gets
This is the Honkai theory, but I don't think it holds up anymore because we originally assumed Celestia only nuked Khaenri'ah and Dragonspine because they were technologically advanced, but Enkanomiya shows that they don't really care about any of that.

I still think Honkai is going to be revealed in Sumeru, because its a pretty core concept of their multiverse

>Do they actually have preexisting model for the world or are they making this shit up as they go?
They have some things set in stone and a lot of other shit they just make up as they go. Writing lore is piss easy since you never have to be concrete.

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It's actually interesting how accurate some of these predictions were

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Enkanomiya got nuked because they learned about the aliens. It was forbidden knowledge. The theory still holds up for Khaenri'ah and Dragonspine.
It might still be honkai or something akin to it. It's the same developer after all.

100% that. Making everything into "verse" is the latest media meme

I find it funny how at the same time Enkanomiya dropped. Honkai APHO 2 also dropped where they talk about the existence of aliens

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I still subscribe to the theory that all the aliens are all different refugees fleeing Honkai destroying their original homeworlds and that the final arc of the game is going to be a massive Honkai eruption after the Traveler teams up with the Tsaritsa and Abyss to take down Celestia.

for me it's the random NPC dialogue

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Enkanomiya wasn't nuked on purpose. the gods fighting was just so chaotic that it razed most of the world and caused enkanomiya to sink below ground.

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>they don't know

This image is kinda outdated. The current running theory is that the Spiral Abyss doesn't physically go underground, but that it connects to various points in space-time, probably with help from Istaroth.

This is now a Kokomi thread.

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Only if you can convince me to lewd her.

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So it's confirmed lizard people don't exist, who was that girl in enkanomiya again? Orobashi snake people?

Kokomi isn't for lewd

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None of all that changes the fact Kokomi is a tummyslut.

She's supposedly the last snake god hybrid, but the Vishaps captured her as an infant and mindbroke her with their BLCs into believing she's one of them