How am I supposed to play this if I dont have a PS3

How am I supposed to play this if I dont have a PS3.

Attached: mgs4.jfif.jpg (720x828, 136.37K)


you dont want to play it. its 15 minutes of gameplay and 10 hours of autistic anime story.

But isnt it insane that its still stuck on PS3, why is this.

play it on youtube

You can try to emulate it. PS3 emulation has came along way but I don't know if MGS4 is on the list of games that work well for it.

not having a ps3 is doing you a favour. Pretty shitty game, takes itself too seriously, the story was complete garbage, demystifies the lore.

Stick with peace walker

>but I don't know if MGS4 is on the list of games that work well for it.
it does. you can even play it at 60fps now

Blue Ray

because 90% movie 10% gameplay = nobody gives a fuck about this shit "game"

Because Konami.

Buy a PS3 second hand user. They are not THAT expensive anymore. You can also purchase bunch of sofa games and versus games and have normalfaggotry gamenights. It's actually fun.

This game will forever be lost to time.

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remake MGS 1-4 and port them all to steam

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No shit it demystifies the lore. It's the END of the franchise timeline.

Probably some rider in the contracts written up at the time. 90% of the game's filesize is uncompressed audio. Kojima's autism went into 50000% overdrive.

If they compress the audio, the game will be maybe 10% the size it is and your retarded monkey-ears won't hear a difference.

I posit that it is stuck on PS3 because to port it would necessarily require compressing the audio and somehow Kojima still prevents them from doing that, to preserve his vision.

>No you don't understand, you see they need to be uncompressed for the people with Audiophile level equipment can get the most out of the game

It's a movie, just watch it on YouTube

I don't know why you would play MGS if you don't want an autistic anime story. That's like going to McDonald's but you hate hamburgers, fries, and chicken.

The Cell was the key winning the console war. Canonically MGS4 only exists on PlayStation 3, Otacon mentions the blu ray drive, Pschyo Mantis talks about how they fucked up the PS3 launch with no rumble in the controller, Metal Gear MK.II is powered by the cell processor, it's part of the lore of the franchise

This. The first game in the Solid line of games featured.
>Cyborg ninjas
>A Literal Weeaboo/Otaku
>A old man who does Gun-Fu
>A giant brown man with a chain gun and backpack bigger than him
>a fight with a giant robot T Rex that has a nuke attached to it's back

>watch someone play through the game on youtube
>they are terrible at the game
>miss out on all the cool stuff you can do with snake
movie game or not, i rather experience it myself.