Diablo 4 endgame

>Game Director, Joe Shely, revealed that the game’s central campaign would last around 35 hours, by which point he expects players will reach about level 45.
>Naturally, though, your progress won’t be capped there. You’ll still be able to push your character all the way to level 100, after which you unlock various endgame content such as nightmare dungeons and the new bounty system Tree of Whispers, which according to Blizzard offers “frequently cycling world objectives and bounties” that can be completed in return for rare crafting materials and legendary items.
>“You get access to whispers, you get access to nightmare dungeons and other endgame activities that we’re still working on,” says Shely. “We really wanted you to have a wide variety of things to do. And of course, you’ve got world tiers that are allowing you to step up the keep, make sure that the difficulty of the world stays on pace with the power of your character level.”
>Shely also discussed details regarding the Paragon board, a returning feature from Diablo 3 and Diablo Immortal, which provides players with further and deeper upgrade options after their character has reached max level.
>Diablo 4’s Paragon board does not unlock until you reach level 50. Although the exact pace at which you will unlock Paragon points has not been confirmed yet, it’s expected that each time you advance 25% through a new character level, you unlock a single point, for a total of four per level. If you do some quick maths, that means that by the time you reach level 100, you will have unlocked 200 Paragon points, which you can spend on improving targeting, buffs and other abilities for your maxed-out character.
>Contrary to Diablo 3’s Paragon board which could be upgraded infinitely, the new version will only allow players to spend the 200 points they’ve already earned, after which point their character will be, as it were, “complete”.

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Who was her Angel husband? Is he still alive?


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Not like this…

Inarius, trapped in hell and being tortured.

>35h for the main campaign

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why is she torturing her bf?

>Inarus wants to kill all the Nephalems
>"Blessed Mother, save us"

Is she the good guy? Did I just find Diablo 4 plot?

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not her, he got cocky and fucked with prime evils

>he banged this thing

the summoning sequence in this video was kino , at least there is someone left at bliz with some talent and vision.

Woah sounds awesome diablo 3 ladder gets boring around day 4 I can't wait to play the same garbage

Blizzard used to copy the best ideas of their competitors. Nu-Blizzard insisting on shitty Paragon system instead of just stealing Path of Exile's mapping system is a very baffling decision.

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Enemies scale with you so nothing changes.

The worst meme ever. Just don't make a stat treadmill gsme if you want to esport tune everything.

Mephisto is the one torturing Inarius, what happens to him during the period of time the prime evils are absent from hell isn't really discussed. Diablo has to reestablish their presence in hell during the portal opening sequence in Diablo 2 and then all 7 major evils are captured in the black soulstone in D3 so nobody is in charge for many years.

Nah, it was shit. 3 guys is not enough mass to summon a being like Lilith.

clearly you never played d2

Dude was a cunt. After having children with her, he was scared by the potential of their children being stronger than him. While he was on the fence on if he should just kill their kids or not, Lilith went and killed everyone who was supportive of killing her kids. Mad that she killed his followers, Inarius used the mcguffin to seal her outside of reality forever, then cursed their kids to have no powers (ie, modern humans) so that he's strongest of all.

Years later, Lilith breaks free, starts to break the curse on modern humans so they become super strong again, and she starts forming an army of them to overthrow the hells and heavens so that nothing can threaten humanity again. A demon then tricks her army into rebelling against her, and when she tries to hide herself, her firstborn son seals her away again and fixes the flaw that ever let her escape. Shortly after that, her lover from the human army defeats her angel ex, then let's the heavens reseal all their powers in exchange for peace. Her ex, after his defeat, is given to the hells to torture.

In the D4 cinematic, Lilith's firstborn who had sealed her away that second time releases her from the seal. Which might not make sense in this quick summary, so I'll explain that after she was sealed the first time and his dad was playing god-king, he met the world dragon and learned about The Balance of the world, including life/death and order/chaos. Lilith overthrowing heaven/hell tipped that balance, so he sealed her. The current world is way out of balance, and now he (presumably) wants her to help sort it right. It'll be interesting to see how they explain him and his actions in D4, especially now that his followers (Priests of Rathma) are a main class in the game (aka Necromancers).

all i hope for is that they didn't fuck up the difficulty level like with diablo 3. First playthrough was a fucking joke.

No warrior/paladin/crusader type?

sounds good. story, setting, characters, themes, tone, all of that matters to a diablo game way more than even massive long time fans realize, same goes with sound design etc. hope they can get it right because they nailed the art style i think
yeah diablo should be hard as fuck imo, all the gameplay revealed so far has the player one shotting everything so i hope that's just balanced toned way down for the sake of trailers

That's neat, I always hated the idea of infinite progression, being able to finish a character is nice.
I don't want to give Blizz money but I keep hearing nothing but good things about this game, what a dilemma.

>sounds good. story, setting, characters, themes, tone, all of that matters to a diablo game
You'd think so. But keep in mind, the first two paragraphs were from the companion book series for Diablo 2 with an actual author, and the actual game D3 with Blizzard Entertainment's writers was absolutely embarrassing in story and storytelling. So far, all we know about D4 is that the same guy who sealed Lilith broke her free and acted all affectionate and sweet as if he wasn't responsible for it at all. It's a shaky foot forward on that front.