Game has logic gates

>game has logic gates

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tickles my penis playing with modded redstone stuff

You don't need more than NAND. You think you do, but you don't.

>exclusive or

Fucking factorio. I need a nand function and either I'm too stupid to figure it out (high probability) or the devs intentionally left out nand functions from the combinators to make me mad.

I don't know how any of this works and it filtered redstone for me

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We really need analytical philosophy games.

what is this tranny shit

>he doesn't make his combinational logic circuits purely out of transistors in an optimized configuration

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>Laughs in NOR

If it actually means what I think it means, it's actually quite cis.

you bet it does

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what gam?

Little Big Planet 2

Creatures 3 had a machine system with Logic Gates included
All I ever did was use the DNA sensor and sludge gun to make a sentry gun

undergrad thread

Slime Research
I've had it in (((Early Access))) for quite some time, but the Steam demo has most of the features anyways

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Logic gate based power system.

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NAND is just AND with a negation at the exit. How hard could it be to do it?

sounds like a cool idea
i'm imagining small logic gates managing nuclear power, and the Fun is having small circuits breaking leading to large power failures leading to meltdowns, etc

I never got past anything more complicated than simple puzzles that involved having the correct set of levers switched to open a door.


xor is strictly heterosexual.

who VHDL here

>can't get past boolean parts of tutorials
it was over for me before it ever began
goodbye world

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