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I should go.

Well Any Forums?

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Only destroy and control make sense, destroy makes more imo.
Refusal is fine too but it's a cuck mentality, while synthesis is a trap for brainlets. There was some screencap a few threads ago that thoroughly btfo sythensisfags but i don't have it.

M8 would you rather I genocide everything that ever comes in your vicinity or genocide you?

My wife.

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Cute wife user. I'm green with envy.

Didn't realise the option to shoot the hologram of the kid existed
Had to play through the ending again to do destroy

Destroy is the only correct option. Synthesis is paragon bait and Control is renegade bait, both due to indoctrination.
>but the devs said there was no indoctrination
I don't give a fuck what the devs said, the ending, especially him taking a breath, makes absolutely no sense unless there is.

No reason to be so blue, user.

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Mods work fine on all three pirated Legendary Edition games. I used the fitgirl repacks, fyi.

Don't forget we literally hear that it's a common pop up in cycles that indoctrinated groups try to pull the control thing, and the only other indoctrinated villain tried synthesis. It scans with what we are told.

>I don't give a fuck what the devs said
Unironically a based mentality. Sometimes devs are fucking ignorant of their own product.

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>the volus bartender
kek he's just like Any Forums

Legion is my favorite :)

Hi, Wrex. This is my wife.

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Shepard, why are you showing me a picture of a crater on Virmire?

Turian girls were made for humans

the best human companion

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This, but also Turian guys.

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>There was a hole.

>only in ME2
>can't talk to him like the other companions
Zaeed was fucking robbed.
Also, what ethnicity was Zaeed suppose to be? I always imagined him being Moroccan or Italian.

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He's persian.

the fact that he was still so great in spite of those limitations is also part of what makes him so great

I'm playing ME3 for the first time and I really hate how they dumbed down conversations in general, and how lifeless the Citadel in particular is.

So most squadmate interactions on the Normandy seem to be one or two lines with no cinematic camera, you just click on them and they spit out the line. And you have to keep selecting them until you exhaust the dialogue. I hate that.
Then there is a severe lack of NPC's to talk to in pretty much all the places you go to, and you get the same thing for the few that you can "talk" to; a few lines when you click on them, no conversation wheel, no renegade/paragon dialogue options. It's really fucking soulless, bros.

haha yeah man cool zaeed umm can you move im trying to talk to tali behind you

Would Javik kill himself regardless of him viewing his shard if synthesis happened?

Fuckin' shame about the VA.

yeah damn shame he won't ever return now

Still miffed there isn't a male romance for him.

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Wrex does it ever bother you that you got flanderized and your series turn to dogshit?

You again?
Do you walk around wishing everyone you met turned gay for you on a whim, too?
I bet you do you fucking retard.

Fuck you Garrus is pure

This is my first post here, tard.
And no.

Gay dude here, I'm glad they left him straight. As much as I wanted to romance him, it would be at the cost of his personality, which would ruin the entire point. Like Jaal being a horndog for alien women but also taking it in the pooper post-patch. We should have alien romance options, but they should be written. That way from the start.

Destroy. You started out trying to stop the reapers and by gum nothing stops the reapers like destroying them.

I read this in his voice. Zaeed was the best.

Fair enough.

I discovered the refuse ending the first time by listening to the star retard's stupid speech and then shooting him to spite him and I literally jumped in my seat and felt my heart stop as this low pitch demon voice of his says SO BE IT, scared the shit out of me

>his people and his empire is dead
>now hes stuck in some faggy hivemind with the primitives
He'll blow his brains and makes Liara watch.

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Every girl I’ve known that’s into Mass Effect has wanted to fuck Garrus