Video game trailers

what's the greatest vidya trailer of all time?

here's my submission:

Attached: 1652932522586.jpg (566x893, 62.24K)

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I forgot how much I like that picture
the teen titans go robin is literally that

throbbin robin

She flat

mfw i recognize this image from 2004 SA

didn't he end up marrying her or something and is now a modeling agent

If that dude married that chick then huge respect for him. Manlet with Taj Mahal for a forehead, but he scored himself a real cutie.

nah he grew up to be super handsom and tall

Reminder that this dude eventually started his own cosplay photography studio for women that was very successful.

yeah, he runs a website too

Well, good for him, because I'm also just noticing he has fucking super sonic hearing with those ears. Motherfucker hearing infrasounds and shit.

here is them now

Attached: boner robin.jpg (1024x1024, 173.32K)

Leisure Suit Larry if he real

pretty sure this one is ... for cunny reasons

Attached: dank.png (495x496, 251.49K)

>ctrl+f merc
>0 results

Attached: EitfzEtUcAA27en.jpg (1031x580, 76.81K)

wtf how did she age so badly?

people grow old user, you will too and anyone you marry will

battle toads trailer!

why do white women age like milk?

all women*
but especially british women

as if he aged like bruce wayne?

damn, yandev has come a long way!