What am I in for, Any Forums?

What am I in for, Any Forums?

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A really boring game that takes forever to pick up steam. You spend all this fucking time chasing a monster and very little time fighting it. Its mundane.

big sexy monsters and a cute cat friend

hunting monsters

tedium/slight change of pace if you're a series veteran. Monster kino if you're not

The worst MH game but it's still a ok game

I played MH4 like a decade ago, so don't that counts

Difficulty, honestly. Took me a while to get good. The combat definitely feels good. The normal roll here has 1/2 the iframes of a fast roll from DS1, but monster attacks tend to come at a good speed and have more sensible active frames. Once you've got a handle on the rhythm of it, it's not that hard.

The downside of this game is that after playing Monster Hunter, every souls-like boss feels like glass and dies too quickly to really get into the moment.

So you spend a lot of time hunting in a game called monster hunter. Do you have brain damage? Or do you just like playing games that aren't made or your ADHD.

A very good game. Ignore the console war retards who pretend it's shit.

well. cutscenes are unskipable and don't have the same soul they did in MH4U. so I'd probably download that cutscene skip mod since your on pc. gameplay is quite good though, just has some pacing issues.

The cutscene "issue" is so overblown. I swear ADHD is endemic to Any Forums.

Its a game, not real life, you retard. Its suppose to be fun.

I'm sorry you're a NEET with unlimited time to play video games. Some of us have don't have that privilege. And stop samefagging.

Yet you have enough time to whine about cutscenes on Any Forums though you tard.
Okay schizo.

People enjoy different things. Do you have autism?

not really. world has so many monotonous breaks in the action. oh look, I have to watch my character squeeze through this tiny gap. oh look now I have to watch them sloowly traverse through mud. there's even unnecessary stealth. this just isn't what monster hunter is.

The best Monster Hunter

>Captura de pantalla
jajajajajaja tacos burritos mexicanos!!!

Also it's literally Skyrim, just in third person. It's also popular with kidfuckers.

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This is actually an interesting post. Why is the hunting in monster hunter so goddamn awful and unfun? You spend so much time running around you'd think they'd make that part fun, but it just feels like arbitrary padding.

filtered, kek

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