What the fuck is dragon's dogma?

I know Any Forums likes it and the sequel got announced. Cool, good for you guys. Like, genuinely. I see its super cheap on Steam right now too. Might as well get it and see what all the fuss is about. So like, just a few questions

>Is this some kind of fucked up port because Japan can't port for shit?
>Do I need some kind of community mod to fix any issues like DSFix for Dark Souls on PC?
>Is there any bullshit fuckery I need to know in advance like limiting how many cores the game runs on or things like that?

Cheers mates.

Attached: mmm.jpg (662x176, 12.6K)

>QoL mods def help

Enjoy the game

>Is this some kind of fucked up port because Japan can't port for shit?

No, works great at max settings

>Do I need some kind of community mod to fix any issues like DSFix for Dark Souls on PC?
Absolutely not!

>Is there any bullshit fuckery I need to know in advance like limiting how many cores the game runs on or things like that?

Works like butter.


>The port works flawlessly, even the switch version works with minimal dropbacks
>Only the GOG version requires a mod because it lacks the last patch
>The game works flawlessly

The wind is pushing me


The port is completely fine, and you don't have to worry about any of that shittery, just get it and enjoy it, friend.

You can play the game in 4k on a toaster at constant 60fps

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Get a mod that fixes leveling. The minmax for Mystic Archer is to play Sorc for 200 levels to get the maximum amount of magic power

I should warn you in advance, the game starts off incredibly slow, and doesn't get good until you reach Gran Soren like 5 hours in.

get infinite carry weight and infinite sprint out of combat and you're good

First of all the worst part of the game is the escort mission to the capital.
KICK THE FUCKING OX TO MOVE IT FASTER (and bring a healer for it)

The only trap I can think of is a gameplay one
Don't start as mage because they're incredibly boring

Shut up, you are not entitled to everything the game has to offer.

>Not enjoying the comfy beginning and kino Cassardis
ur omega triple homo gae lole

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Oh, now that's good to know. So i shouldn't progress the story and do all side missions first? Or is it one of those "fucking rush because there's a real time timer" type of things?

Hm, good to know.

Is that like, a perk or a mod?

Will I find those on Nexus? Or is there a Steam workshop?

It does indeed have a nexus.

The game doesnt tell you what's a story mission and what's a side mission.
You literally need to follow a guide for which quests to do and when to do them in this "open world" game.

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Wait what? That's a bit odd. How punishing is missing quests? Will it completely fuck me over or is it only annoying for completionists?

Bro, like, literally don't stress about any of that shit. Just play the game, it doesn't need a guide unless you are a min-maxing faggot. The only actually worthwhile shit is on the dlc area anyway, and all of those items are in chests.

A fun TPP RPG.

You were fooled by Any Forums the game is shit and I will explain why:

>No indication of where roads lead
>No hint to what enemies are weak to
>No hint of when enemies are alone or in groups
>No warning to avoid status effects
>No clue to which items are masterworks

I don't know how people defend this game.

I've played the game for a few hours, and yes the game doesn't tell you which mission is the main quest. But when a quest is "wow you killed a 8 meter boss let's meet the king" and the other is "woo someone stole my bread" is easy to guess what to do first

TPP? Third person something?

It's not really punishing, but you do miss on some cool quest chains if you progress the main story too quickly. But if you're not completely retarded you know more or less which quests are the main ones.