Mfw pondering about wizard videogames and the lack of thereof

>mfw pondering about wizard videogames and the lack of thereof

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post it

Noita exists. What more do you need?

you don't ponder ABOUT something
you ponder something

Post wizard games

more magicka

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>pondering about
>the lack of thereof

Never forget

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Making a turn-based game about wizards setting up hazards around other wizards, any spell ideas? I already have damage, health up, teleport, speed down/up, stun, and effect multipliers (ie all spells on this tile duplicate their effects)


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What game will make me feel like a wizard ?


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protip, visit forums about tabletop gaming and watch the sections about homebrewing and steal that shit.
plenty of creative autism there.

>being this ignorant

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>All those pixels
>3 dps

not "wizard" but

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Got it, thanks user
Don't do that if you want to end your god run because of a random pool of polymorphine

Oh shit, holy klansmen

Best wizards are in TBS games
>Age of Wonders

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dark messiah

>random pool of polymorphine
Imagine not shifting until all types of polymorphine is completely gone.

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Also King's Bounty

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this is me (thanks to hrt)

Lazy wizards are only great in comedies, the good ones want knowledge and power

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Art style's a little tumblr-ey but Mages of Mystralia apparently channels Magicka and has a really fleshed out spellcraft system, you can change the number of fireballs, the directions they curve in, turn the fireballs into thunderbolts, leave ice shards in your path when you dash and modify other cool parts about your spell.

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Knowledge is a great evil.

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What about wizard high achievers who become wizard burnouts once leaving wizard high school because being a high achiever taught you bad habits and developed wizard depression

All Wizards are autistic and this is not up for debate

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As someone who just recently finished my doctorate studies, can confirm, all academics are autistic. Even the ones that think they are "cool".

wizard of legend is pretty fun but short and kinda easy

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>game has Vancian magic

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