There are reviewers RIGHT now rating this below 90

>There are reviewers RIGHT now rating this below 90

The game industry is pure cancer. The game has flaws/bugs, but holy shit it does almost everything perfectly.

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Other urls found in this thread:]multiplayer[/url].

crack when

Just buy the fucking game user. They really earned every penny for this kind of homage to retro arcade/ beat em' ups.

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Boss music isn't as good as Turtles IV

im broke this month, i was gonna get it off steam unlocked then get it legally next paycheck and try move my save over kek

I tried playing this on game pass, I played until stage 7 but I was not having fun at all. Playing this just solidified my opinion on Streets of Rage 4 being the peak of the beat em up genre. Every character on tmnt feels the same, maybe minor differences like a little slower or faster, a little more rangem,etc... but other than that they feel way too similar. Should've gave the ip to the frenchs

oh, ok. Here's hoping you can find it then. I wonder if you can play it online then? I believe it's cross platform on every system.

There's rap in it.

>Should've gave the ip to the frenchs

Cuz that worked so well last time...

You can customize your keyboard keys? Any pictures?

>Two ignorant anons.
The devs all involved were Frenchies. Tribute is Quebec French Canadian Devs and Dotemu are Frenchies in France.

Well, they're doing a hell of a lot better with TMNT than Ubisoft did.

But Tribute are people who worked on Ubisoft TMNT games.

Just the GBA game. Which, to be fair, was the best UbiTMNT game.

The rest was dull stuff like Smash Up and Arcade Attack.

Except for the April censorship (cause Nickelodeon are faggots), I agree.

Game has no DRM, its been up on sites for awhile now.

Where is the porn? Soft, round 80s designed turtles need porn. I am specifically calling out Mabit.

>April censorship

I've not heard of this, what is it?

The game is almost pure soul.

TMNT has had rap in it since the fucking cartoon you dunce. Both early movies had rap theme songs.

One of April's moves was the "Hip Attack" aka R.Mika's butt smash. It got replaced April ramming enemies with a boom mike because Nick complained. It sucks but not something on the devs who mentioned it on discord.

It's a good game but yeah, don't expect to be able to do what you see in April's trailer.

Don't give a shit about your shit movies. There will be no nigger noise in my video games.

you can beat the game before steam's 2-hour returns window closes
it's not that great

Ok, yeah, that shit sucks. Peach does that shit in smash brothers, who cares?

I always liked the TMNT beat em ups from back in the day best, but I feel like this is inferior to Streets of Rage 4.

It's garbage. Get some standards turtletard.

Well suck a dick then faggot.

You can beat the game, on the hardest difficulty, and get all the collectibles/achievements in under 2 hours? x to doubt.

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>Except for the April censorship (cause Nickelodeon are faggots), I agree.
Is available only in []multiplayer[/url].

You also have to beat the game at least seven times. Eight if you count multiplayer.

Um, CHUD, you WILL buy Nickelodeon® and DOTEMU's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles®: Shredders Revenge™ (Sponsored by Limited Run Games™ and Xbox Game Pass®)

isn't it only two hours long? fuck that if true, ain't paying a cent for this shit... even though i loved turtles in time on snes

Not from what I've seen. When you do a team attack, she just does her Knee attack instead.

how long was turtle in time

Is it better than Streets of Rage 4?

On God we need to teach these devs a lesson about Lord Gaben's Cost Per Hour ratio


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