What went so horribly wrong?

What the fuck were they thinking?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>fans bitch about wanting more MM games
>they don't buy or support any of the MM games they put out
>dick suck any RE crap that Capcom shits out of their crusty asshole
>wonders why there are no MM games
Gee I wonder why....

x4 is better than the first 3 games

Only x7 and x6 are objectively bad.
x6 at least still has a great soundtrack.
x5 is alright, so is x8.
Megaman 8 is also fine.
Why are X4 fags like this?
X1 and 2 are absurdly better then 4.
The stages and boss weapons(for X) are shit.
It's still alright, but it doesn't really hold up.

The sprites and music are the only good things about X4.

Can someone please explain the appeal of this series

>Why are X4 fags like this?
because they're mentally unstable and ill

Mega Man 8 is a fun game with one of the funkiest soundtracks on the PS1, and I am tired of seeing it dragged through the mud.

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Megaman X4 was a really sweet game, and Megaman X5 was an acceptable entry. Also I am a big fan of Megaman X3, that game gets way too much flak.
That being said, I don't care for X6 through X8, nor Megaman 8.

lots of slow down
cute music that sounds like it would be better on Genesis
so-so gameplay
some bosses are so terrible they ruin the game
not really many highs but fine games
peak game play, high speed action and excellent bosses as well as a new playable character which doubles the replay value of the game. best music too
annoying tutorials
pretty good levels
good music overall
weird guns n roses references
some dumb shit rng
annoying random gimmicks
varying stage design
insane bullshit for unarmored play styles
some things are required like some upgrades which is annoying and retarded
its ok but gimmicky

>all on playstation
Woah... that's weird..
That's gotta be a coincidence, though.

>this is what X4fags actually believe

>lots of slow down
>peak game play

just kys

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Very based post
It really is a fun game

>it's not nintendo so its bad!
64 lost.
less than 400 games.
the games have been ported.
you can stop being sad now.

which X was the one with that awful timer countdown? thats when i stopped playing the series. i liked MM8 though. id say MM2 and X1 are my favorites.

>X4 bad
As usual, OP is a faggot.

so this is the power of the moviestation huh

>X1 and 2 are absurdly better then 4.
We never said they weren't.
X4 is the best out of the PSX series.
X1 is the best of the SNES and best overall.

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kys you subhuman scum

>Nobody ever talks about Mega Man V
Stardroids and Sunstar were the coolest shit, also fighting all four previous Mega Man Killers.
The fact that nobody has played this game because it came out on the Game Boy near the end of its life cycle is a crime.

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The fact that it's never been included in one of the major collections doesn't help, the only real port available was on the 3DS Virtual Console and that's not exactly a high profile release. I know Capcom lost the source code, and that's why the GBA Anniversary Collection was canned, but for fuck's sake it can't be that hard to rebuild them, or even just shove an emulator out there.

I'm still mad about Mega Man Legacy Collection 2, there were so many missed opportunities and games that absolutely should have been on there instead of just cheaping out and only including the last four numbered titles.

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>X3 is good
Worst set of Mavericks, worst weapons, worst buster power up.