No games

There's no good games to play.

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Sonic heroes

new vegas

But enough about the PS5

Jak and Daxter native PC port dropped today you fool, otherwise I agree

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I can guarantee there are at least a thousand retro and indie games you'd love playing, you're just too lazy. hundreds of indie games which earn abkve 100k usd come out each year. I doubt you play even one per week.

Dark Souls 2

But enough about the Seriex Exe

Who cares about gay outdated retro games. You can only have so much fun and enjoyment from them until they become boring and stale.

I have zero excitement for anything coming out, the failure of cyberpunk fully jaded me.

oh yeah, let's go emulate Gameboy and super Nintendo games. So much fun. I'm enjoyyyyyyyyyyyying.

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I want a new grand adventure. Indies can be fun but they never scratch that itch.

Lol you were really one of those dumbasses who got your expectations up and expected it to be the bestest game ever?

they are fun

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if you're dumb console nigger

Indie games are cheaply made and produced. No thanks.

Oh what are you gonna recommend? Some onions Nintendo games and emulations?

I gave up hope years before release, it was on a good track till the staff changeovers.

And why would I? They are all generic and boring, targeted towards boomers who play shit like Mario world 3 and Pacman and coom their pants.

play umihara kawase
it's like a spiderman puzzle game

Yeah that has to be the biggest dumpster fire in the gaming industry. Fucking every damn game there's a monkey looking nigger with googly eyes and a dyke haircut, serving as a strong feminist lead character. So fucking tiring. You gotta have identity politics and agendas shoved into everything.

Outer Wilds

I'd rather play a plug in than play that soi garbage.

I implore you to play Sora and or Suguri.

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play madden nfl 06

I wouldn't touch that weeb garbage if my life depended on it.

Your loss. It has the best Vidya OST of all time.

No thanks. EA is garbage.

play metal slug

Am I a joke to you?

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Yeah, but not a particularly funny one.

If I wanted to play a shooter game, I'd play metal gear.

play metal gear