If you have the mental fortitude to learn fighting games you should consider learning an instrument instead...

if you have the mental fortitude to learn fighting games you should consider learning an instrument instead, im currently learning piano and i can use my autism to learn something worthwhile instead of fighters, i still play them just not as much

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What would I learn an instrument for?
So I can play some shitty old tunes to myself in my all room?


play at events for fun or as a career
>shitty old tunes
you can play some shitty new tunes if you want

I was thinking about this in the shower.
is it correct to say that something like learning an instrument, or a sport is more "valid" or valuable than learning a fighting game or a shooter, or getting really good at speedrunning a game?
Of course theres mindless ways to play games, you can just not really think about what you're doing and kill time doing the same thing over and over again even when you don't actually enjoy it.
But, if you're really engaging yourself and improving, and you feel a real sense of fulfillment by trying to fix your mistakes and planning out what you could do better, can you say its a waste, even if you don't plan to go pro or try and monetize it?
What makes trying to be good at something worthwhile to you? Is it what you're able to produce from it and possibly sell, or show off to someone else to try and impress them, or is rather it the fulfillment that comes with challenging yourself to get better at something and seeing that you've improved?
I would hope its the second thing; I bet you that you felt even a little good about yourself after typing out your post, like you're better than everyone else

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dogi that's fucking you right

kill all corea dog

>is it correct to say that something like learning an instrument, or a sport is more "valid" or valuable than learning a fighting game or a shooter, or getting really good at speedrunning a game?
>What makes trying to be good at something worthwhile to you? Is it what you're able to produce from it and possibly sell, or show off to someone else to try and impress them, or is rather it the fulfillment that comes with challenging yourself to get better at something and seeing that you've improved?
>I would hope its the second thing; I bet you that you felt even a little good about yourself after typing out your post, like you're better than everyone else

Was tamagotchi the first gatcha game?

can you tell KBJ girls to stop sucking sausages it's a waste of food thank you

i dont know who dogi is

maybe you should start on improving reading comprehension instead of learning piano


dogi that's YOU

No because you pay for the product and that’s it, there’s no epic loot boxes you have to pay for.

lmao who the fuck is dogi? im guessing some discordfag

schizo thread?

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'ogi is not a schizo

okay you've convinced me
i wanna learn electric guitar, as in the kind rockers play
what should my starter kit be

unironically the exact thought that came to my mind while I was banging my head against a wall trying to learn Tekken 7. Dropped that game right then and there. still suck at playing piano though

coreans are so disgusting it's unreal

There were tcgs before tamagotchis came out, and even then I'm not seeing how you would call tamagotchis gacha. They're a simulator game you buy once and have access to everything inside. By that logic nintendogs is a gacha.

idk ask Any Forums
i wanna play marimba and i used to wanna learn the harp but for now im just sticking to piano, i might never learn that other stuff but i can just synthesize it with midi programs so im satisfied

Just learn how to fight irl. One of the most useful skillsets you can have

I can fight but honestly that skillset has not helped me since early highschool. And if anything that confidence only served to place me in violent confrontations.

i'm already a cripple, man
one punch to the midsection will be enough to bring me down due to all the internal stresses affecting my body, and it can't be helped by exercise as i'm forbidden from doing any by doctors due to high risk of injury