Is this worth 20 euros?I played chiv 1 and i want to try this if it is worth it

Is this worth 20 euros?I played chiv 1 and i want to try this if it is worth it

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it's like 1 but less trash, I liked it

I played, it's fun user, if you don't like it you can still refund it. Go on, give it a try

Honestly no, it's incredibly shallow and mosh pits are only fun for so long. the le epic dialogue gets old fast. i know i sound like a jaded boomer, but it really has the depth and staying power of a big mac and small order of fries

>le food analogy

yes. it's alright but it's just quite dull after the first session. should be 10 bucks.

Ok thanks frens i will go for it,i hope my gtx 1650 can handled it on medium 1080p 60

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It's fun if you play in bursts of 2-3 weeks, after that it does get old. It's easy to get back in the game so simply reinstall it when a new update hits or if you don't have anything else to play. That's what I've done and I don't regret my purchase - I bought the game at launch and I'm at rank 80 now. With the Steam launch and content update recently it's a really good time to jump in.

Should i get the special edition?

Loved 1, I enjoy 2 even more. Just don't look at the in-game chat

depends how much you care about cosmetics. You can buy the SE content separately so just buy the base game first.

Also do you have any idea if another faction will be in aswell in future?What they can go for?Tenosian ofc are based on arab and their conquests

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I wish I could refund it still

People guessed Mongolians, or something Asian themed. All three are already a mashup of various regions.

It's a worse Mordhau. Just play that.

No I refunded it it hasn't improved since the alpha and beta a year ago devs scrambled to cover up how bad it is by banning everyone of the steam forums and deleting reviews torn banner are scummy cunts who don't deserve any money refund

It's worth it, it's a lot better than the 1st one. You can always find matches and it has a ton of different classes. skidrow just released a single player torrent so consider it a demo if you like the mechanics enough.

It's good for what its worth atm. I need to stop being a poor fag and upgrade my GPU to something that can play UE4 games above 20 FPS tho.

i have one question. can i slaughter defenseless nobles and peasants like in the first one?

In certain stages you can yes. slaughter of coxwell has attackers killing peasants.

only on 1 map
the other map has peasants but the attacking force has to kidnap them instead of slaughter

So composite bow,some gunpowder bombs etc

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