Mogs any fromshitware game

>mogs any fromshitware game

Attached: severance.png (280x359, 233.15K)

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I think they're different, I love severance but I have no desire to play souls games.

I love this game but I couldn't figure out how to reliably combo so I went from beginning to end just poke dodging everything.

Wich character were you playing?

I uninstalled right when I found out you can't use combat fully without lock on.

Barbarian. All of his weapons except the sword is slow and clunky

When the Steam version came out I finished it with every character. I didn't realise how broken the Amazon was when i was younger.

But come on dude you and I both know these games aren't really comparable.

You just need to press according buttons simultaneously, there's nothing complicated. Time window is pretty big compared to fighting games for example.

Yeah that part is unironically bad. The lock on is also really janky in general.
>locked on
>parry or dodge
>completely misses because your character decides to aim to the left of the enemy for some fucking reason

I don't understand. They made a game exclusively for PC, and cockblocked the combat by using console controls? What the fuck is up with that?


But I already beat the game on the hardest difficulty

I played this as a kid and was pretty bad at first but eventually got better and remember a lot of decapitating orcs with the dwarf, knight, and barbarian. I think I got the farthest with dwarf. Dont even remember if I beat it. Still love souls though. From should let us cut off heads and throw them at people in elder ring 2

BoD has no difficulty setting, lmao.

Attached: 1522056198005.jpg (300x300, 64.2K)

Oh I was confusing it with the save rankings. I think I had Heroic or something years ago.

one of my favourite games of all time
The music, the atmosphere and the narrator's voice acting are fucking amazing.

I beat the game with the barbarian like 7 times and only once with the Knight. The dwarf felt fucking stupid and the amazon was really weird.

but man the atmosphere... Combat theme is awesome, check it out


mad lad. was way to crash-prone for my system.
>when you have to walk backwards through a door arch in amazon's first level because of opengl lighting shenanigans

pretty much, yes. i bet that ugly nip zoomoid just sat around with his other nipoids and said, let's a make a clone of this and get flithy rich by selling it to gullible zoomzooms

Is this payable with mouse/keyboard ?

Yep it's intended for it lol, it's less playable on Gamepad.

I remember I got really far with the amazon but then the game crashed and never played it again

these spaniards should team up again for Blade of darkness 2

now that the demand for soulgames is over the roof.

god I hate Any Forums contrarian fags, you think you are so fucking special shitting on popular thing with thing noone gives a shit about. go fuck yourself. absolute pisstaker shit for brains.