Turtles: Shredder's Revenge

That'll be 25,99 plus tax please!

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Sounds perfect. Definitely picking this up now.

At least I got it 2 dollars off

That's a little long for a game focused on score attack and 1CCs but I'll give it a chance. Thank you!

Perfect length for pickup and play with my friends, thanks for the heads up OP. Buying it now!

>two hours long
This is bad how?

Attached: wang.png (303x117, 4.83K)

What do you expect from a game that's 90% traced?

Gladly, keep the change please.

>90% traced?
Oh I remember those threads. Post some pictures please so we can laugh at you.

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Sounds about right for that type of game.

I think the older types were like 30 min to 1 hour before. Surprised the got it up to 2.

It's pretty obvious. Never played a Street Fighter before?


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You're a cuck with no friends.

zoom zoom

>free on gamepass and has crossplay

Good excuse to dust off the old arcade stick.

25 bucks is best price point.

This game could be literally 10 dollars and you'd still complain

Tell me you don't play Beat 'em Ups without telling me you don't play Beat 'em Ups

First beat em up?

>Censored shit.
Hard pass

Attached: Butt attack.png (1247x940, 783.6K)

So...just like the arcade games?

This is literally white genocide.
